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Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Viewer Writes: OC Boardwalk Being Closed?


I am in Ocean City on the boardwalk doing work in a condo. In 10 minutes I have counted over a dozen people walking, jogging and riding bikes on the boards. I also just watched two police cars riding the boards, one going North and the other going South. Neither has said one word to people on the boardwalk. I thought Ocean City declared the beach AND boardwalk closed. I guess privileged few are allowed on it while the rest of the public are not allowed on it. So Ocean City mayor is the boardwalk closed or not? My girlfriend and I would love to be walking the boards but you sir declared it to be closed! Which is it, opened or closed?


  1. Open to locals, as it should be. Read the news dummy.

    1. Hey I go to OC at the least 3 times a week and go on the beach and walk the boardwalk. Never stopped, never questioned. The police smile and say hi...what's the problem

    2. I pay taxes for my condo just like you but you live there year round making your money better than mine? I don't think so. What a stuck up attitude

    3. Seriously? Calm down, the PX are not going to arrest anyone or even stop unless they are congregating. go back to work!

    4. So,using that ONLY LOCALS theory, maybe YOU shouldn't be allowed to leave the island to go the Walmart, Home Depot. Your statement is a pathetic example of how low our society has sunken

    5. If you would watch the news it is only open to the locals who live in Ocean City md

    6. You are right 8:38, open the bridge, close the rt 90 bridge to protect the residents and let them starve. I'm all for it. Lol It can be permanent too you ask me.

  2. If you are an OC resident (and can prove it), it’s open.

    1. No teeth in that rule. Ocean City beach and boardwalk are public places just as the sidewalks in salisbury are. To the snitch viewer reporting this, if you want to walk the boards or beach, grow a set and do it !!!

    2. He can but be prepared to show your license IF asked and it better say Ocean City is your permanent residence.


  3. It is closed to businesses in order to contribute to the destruction of our financial and economic foundation. However, individuals that follow "Big Brother's" guidance may walk on the boardwalk.

  4. The boardwalk and beach are open to Ocean City residents, but in groups of no more than 2. This was published everywhere at the time Mayor Meehan issued the order.

  5. If they are residents, they are allowed on the Boardwalk.

    City officials say residents of the city will be allowed to exercise or walk dogs on the beach or boardwalk, but are required to be in groups of no more than two adults and children at any time. If those rules are ignored, city officials say they will adjust the rules.

  6. The order stated the facilities were closed to non residents

  7. Only if you live within ocean city May you be there is the last I heard.

  8. The closing of the boardwalk was just symbolic - like everything else they've done so far. As always, the mayor and council cater to the business owners of Ocean City - and those people want Ocean City to be open for business - despite what they may say publicly.

  9. So what, your doing work in a condo potentially passing the virus. Stay Home if you don’t like it.

    1. Working in his condo and passing the virus just like you are doing sitting in your condo or house and passing the virus? What a stupid statement!!!!!

    2. From everything ive read, the beach is closed to everyone! I called the local office and was told its closed to EVERYONE! now unless theres a different meaning to the word 'everyone', then no one should be there!

  10. If it's closed then it should be enforced for everyone. Salisbury and our SPD do the same thing because of Jake Day and Duncan---no never means !!!!!!!!!!!!no!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. That is Exclamation crazyyyyy!!! Take a deep breath, it will be ok.

  11. Wish you would please share this to Facebook, OCPD and Mayor and Council. Thank you.

  12. These folks are a danger to no one. Go back to work and be grateful you have a job.

  13. Everyone concerned about one healthy young jogger, please re-direct your concern to the local nursing homes which are still two and three patients to a room and without testing.

  14. Come on...use your brain and look it up on the OC gov't website. WE all did!

    1. And who is ALL! Those here from out of state? I am sure that is the first thing they did was go to the OC website to see if the beach and board walk are open to the public!

    2. Well now they know. Come to SBYNEWS to be informed!

    3. Just wait and see what happens when Seacrets opens in season. Not a frigging thing. There wont be any social distance police checking that shit out.

  15. Man, people are away from people, authoritarian slave master, they aren’t hurting anyone. The media got you quick.

  16. the main thing is this. when is jake having his big gay pride parade in salisbury and will his wife be on the float of recovering drug addicts?

  17. No, the worker is right. Closed means closed, or at least it should! No damn wonder people are so confused about what they can and cannot do. Make it uniform for all..........regardless of your address.

  18. Open to OC residents, no more than two together. Driver's license must show OC address.

  19. Isn't that the "Sweet Bicycle" from the other day?

    1. I think that one was blue. But I'll agree with you, that is a cool ride.

  20. It never applied to these out of state non-residents. They are the elite who does not have to abide to orders if they don't want to and never suffer the consequences. Typical Democrat hypocrisy. This is not staying at home.

  21. "Isn't that the "Sweet Bicycle" from the other day?"

    No, the "Sweet Bicycle" was blue. Faded blue. Try to keep up.

    1. Oops sorry, it got me slightly distracted.

  22. As the writer of this I did contact the local police about what is allowed however to say it is open to locals means it is open to ALL. Who is checking that all these people are locals...NO ONE! They also said groups of no more than 2, I saw eight on the beach with their dogs! Nothing said to them. So to all those calling me an idiot, fool and a dumb a$$ you are so wrong. The boardwalk is OPEN to all that want to walk it. Not a soul is checking or even asking if you are local or not. Even so all anyone has to say is yes they are because Maryland does not require you to carry an identification like some states do. To say the boardwalk and beach are closed is a mere illusion as well as a joke. Anyone can walk, bike or jog down it...ANYONE!!

    1. That's what I told you 457, grow a set and take a walk

    2. Stop acting like a fascist. Walking on the beach or boardwalk hurts no one.

  23. Mon20th WBOC just showed shops on boardwalk not showing customers faces but you could see purchases being made, not necessity items! It’s all a crock business as usual!

  24. Ok 457, then why ask? Really?

  25. "No teeth is that rule"

    No teeth in ANYTHING Ocean City has done. Nothing. They have not enforced ANYTHING. Don't want to upset the business owners/realtors in town - and on the Ocean City council.

    1. You want people to starve and lose their jobs and eventually commit suicide? Sure sounds like it

  26. If it’s open why do they have it all blocked off with yellow tape ?

  27. Same as Salisbury flowers shops are open! Why to me that's not an essential but whatever I guess. Some obey the restrictions and some dont

    1. To send to people in hospitals and nursing home and those who can not receive visitors. Flower shops are essential even being used for funerals too in and out services. Basically walk thru visitations

  28. Thank you for pointing out the people who don't seem to get it. Stay safe. Happy you are still working

  29. Wow a lot of you are so mean and negative. Wonder if you would all say this to you're neighbor's face? Chill people...why are you all so angry?

  30. Wow...a lot of you are so uneccesarily mean and aggressive. Seems you have a lot going on in your personal lives. I wonder if you would say that to your neighbor's face? Because that's what he is. Your neighbor. Chill. He came here to ask a question not to be attacked for the question. I am so tired of seeing this cowardly insanity all over the internet.

    1. Few people on here who live in OC year round think they own the town but all of the other condo owners who don't live there year round and pay taxes aren't allowed? Then don't charge us taxes since we can't use our places! What makes you people different from us? Also don't leave OC and spread the virus meaning don't go to West OC to Walmart or Home Depot. Sorry your rules.

  31. The only group not bitching, and are completely happy with this situation are the sea gulls.

    1. The gulls are probably wondering where all their French fries are.

  32. It's not asking the question that riled folks- it was the snarky way he asked. Personally, I have a condo in OC and if I was paying someone for work, I wouldn't want them taking photos and sending texts on my dime. He is very lucky to have a job right now and be able to get a paycheck. I see no need to be concerned about a handful of people strolling on the boardwalk. Good thing he's not in Florida, where beaches are open...

    1. How do you know its not his condo? He said he was working in a condo on the boardwalk. It could be his condo on the boardwalk he is working on.

  33. If you pay taxes to the city you should be able to use the facilities


  34. April 20, 2020 at 9:13 PM:

    The flower shops are open because of the demand for flowers for all the funerals. That and flowers for all the people shut in at home without any visitors. It is a way to express one's love for another without having physical contact or closeness. Why do you hate the florist industry?

  35. It is open to year round RESIDENTS ,...read the posted sign

    1. 10:41 That's an incredibly inhumane statement. Let's "assume" you actually had loved ones. Now IF THEY didnt live there, but needed to come to you for help, would it then be ok to TURN THEM AWAY? Hint: there's only 1 correct answer. In addition, using YOUR theory, wouldn't it then hold true that regardless of why you needed to leave OC should YOU not be allowed to leave?

  36. 4:57. You should be ashamed. How are you any different than the Stasi?

  37. Wow people!! I'm from PA.
    But love OC. Social distancing is the safest way to contain this virus. No need to get nasty about it. Just do it! Would u rather have this shit start all over again?

  38. Who cares as long as u don't go on it don't worry bout it lol

  39. Hey Joe.. get your lazy a$$ to work, that your being paid for... not stalking ppl like crazy ex-girlfriend!! Yes, I said “girlfriend”!

  40. This is nothing but bullcrap.The largest social experiment in the history of the world. Some people will do anything to take us back to the stone ages. Of of these newly created laws by our leaders will be challenged in court as soon as this is over. You will be seeing lawyers coming out of the cracks of buildings like cockroachs.

  41. The skipjacks are getting ready. Time to run this blockade.....

  42. The Skipjacks are getting ready.
    Time to run this blockade.
    30 days plus....
    How much more.
    Do we really want to perhaps experience a depression ?
    When the light switch is finally turned back on, there may be no lights to come back on.

  43. So let me get this right it's okay to come in there and work and get it ready for all the people who come and spend money there, but because we don't live there we're not allowed to walk the boardwalk. Makes no sense to me I'm sure this person had to walk the boardwalk to get to work but he can't walk the boardwalk on his lunch break because he doesn't live what's good for one should be good for all.

  44. This thread is so sad. I brought a home there thinking MD people are beautiful but all i see here is hatred from the locals. You need visitors there more than we need you. Your city and infrastructure depends on the money from outsiders do you believe the few locals there actually pay the salaries of the cops there? Grow up stop the hatred and spread some love. I hope i dodnt make a mistake purchasing a property there for retirement

    1. Well here's some even better news dumbass, ocean City Maryland is about the worst place to retire. The state of Maryland is the worst state to retire in. Didn't you do ANY kind of research on this before purchasing a home in Maryland to retire??

  45. OC is a cesspool. Go to Delaware beaches.

    1. Naw, Move to SW Colorado! We can LEGALLY open Carry, We have "WILL GRANT", not "May grant" concealed permits, MUCH fresher air, amazing mountains, and Lake Powell had 2000 miles of shoreline! But most of all, our sherriff's dont enf look rice unconstitutional orders, and we have room to breath!

  46. So much so, the residents of Worcester County don't have to pay property taxes because of the revenue generated by the town of Ocean City.

    I fail to understand how even property owners are not allowed in OC. If everything is closed there, just as much as anywhere else, where are the property owners going to go and what are they going to touch that would cause a huge spread of the virus? Most of the property owners just want to visit their property and walk the beach or boardwalk....even if the stores are closed, as most have always visited their property in the off season when everything is closed anyway. The way I feel, if you're that paranoid of contracting the virus, cover your face and take sanitizer with you when you go out....or stay home like you want everyone else to do just so you can go out.

    1. If Worcester county doesn’t pay property taxes who have I been sending the checks to every year? Joe please look into this.

  47. Beginning of the OC summer crunch, is right around the corner. Any indication from Hogan,on beach,boardwalk,resturants, bars, opening to the summer vacationer?

  48. As long as everything is open for labor day weekend! That's my vacation time.

  49. Some people just get up to complain......just be glad you are alive and not sick!! Let other people live their lives, if they don’t do as I do so what??? I’m only worried about what I can do for my family!!!

    1. 8:15
      Calm down before you make yourself sick. Stress and poor nutrition are pre-existing causes of bad COVID-19 reactions.

      We must eat great diets now and get exercise. Lifting weights (dumbells) help to build the immune system.

  50. Thrashers, Secrets, Fagers, and the Harrison group will make the call. The beach will be open on schedule, and the prime season from mid June to Mid August will generate the usual revenues. The city has a rainy day fund, they only talk about in good times. Their win win strategy will be to cry to the state, in the fall,and Carroza will arrive with a bag of taxpayer cash. Nothing to see here!

    1. Wishful thinking. Maybe next time run for office and make a difference. Good luck with that, Monday morning QB.

  51. the only thing worth going to OC for is the fishers popcorn. I don't need to go down there to get that. Screw OC and the asshats that live down there. If you don't want us now, well asshats don't expect us later, Dry up and be gone, that's what you arrogance and asshattery deserves for you, Vanessa

  52. What ever happened to the GRIT that Americans showed in WW1 and 2. Now all we have are pussycats. Scare of their own shadow. I bet those who want to close everything are on pensions or extended unemployment. Well it's not going to last long when your State goes bankrupt. That social security check will stop and you State Pensions. Think about that scenario for a moment. Better put those checks in the bank now for later. Pussy😂😂😂

  53. Got news for O.C MD > Things WILL be closed far past this summer !!!!!

    We on DelMarVa not letting other states send Infected People HERE !!!!

  54. Those in bikinis can still come !!! Only good looking ones !!!


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