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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Well I'll Be Damned, One News Station Finally Published News We Broke Two Weeks Ago

3 SPD Officers, 1 Wico. State’s Attorney’s Office Prosecutor placed on leave

Yet they spun it stating how this had nothing to do with the theft from the evidence room. 

See what I mean Folks. It had everything to do with the evidence that disappeared from that evidence room. 

Your local media repeats only what is stated in press releases they receive and perhaps believes it to be facts. I mean, why investigate when elected officials simply tell you what they want you to hear. 

Nevertheless, SBYNews did it again and forced the local media to at least expose Police Officers and a States Attorney were suspended. Again, not true. They've been fired and my sources tell me the States Attorney doesn't even work for Wicomico County any more so how could they be suspended!


  1. time to clean house, day, donuts and dykes all must go! where's the feds?

  2. These news organizations (all owned by 4 people) hire these idiot kids to write fluff stories, re-post press releases and then go out drinking with the corrupt local officials their supposed to be exposing. Worst thing is these snowflakes think WE are the problem for pointing out the screw ups/scams.
    -They think meat is murder but they are fine with animals suffering because of the failures at our zoo.
    -They get outraged over hate crimes but actually feel like they would be committing a hate crime themselves if they exposed the perps race.
    -They get excited about roundabouts and bike lanes and amphitheaters without thinking logically that a road closure of 4 or 5 years has shut down every business downtown other than their own bars.
    -They are fine with the evidence locker thefts because they hate the police anyway but they won't publish it and expose their friends failures. They think the only thing you should be able to be locked up for is disagreeing with their politics.
    -They get upset if a drag queen story hour gets cancelled but not if the mayor's wife is hounding the same children for drugs.

    1. Wrong

      The stories are written in Langley and distributed to media through secret channels (including Blue Lodges).

      Tell the truth or get out of the way

    2. Langley has been very busy here lately

  3. Wish Salisbury News would run an expose on corrupt activities happening in Somerset County as county officials work for unscrupulous developers... our property values tank because zoning laws are not being followed.

  4. I'm certain this is not just isolated to just one county.
    There has been similar corruption in the past with Worchester, Somerset, and Dorchester County. Based on my time with County Government, I've seen cases swept under the rug, because the person arrested was Mayor or Cambridge, or Judge Yates. Been to more than one trial and have seen cases thrown out because the person was a son or daughter of someone prominent in the community, and then I saw someone for the same exact offense get jail time in the county jail.

    1. You mean Worcester, not Worchester... there is NO "H" in Worcester...jeez

    2. Come on...Worchester Sauce was the mindset. How do u like ur steaks?

  5. FIRED??? That's it??

    "We, the people" would have our pictures plastered all over town, named in every newspaper and blog, and would be facing 15-25 years in prison -- and we would be talking to our attorney through a glass window at the jail.


    It SHOULD say "firing squad", but again, you cheer Two Sets of Laws.
    You get exactly that.

    It is more than disgusting.

    20 YEARS of police theft??? And they get FIRED???

    YOU steal a jar of mayonnaise and 10 cops show up with lights flashing and sirens screaming and will chase you with dogs and helicopters until you are apprehended. AND, you are publicly named and your picture gets posted. THEY steal EVIDENCE from a secure cop facility for 20 years and they get FIRED??

    Keep cheering, your sorry goofs.

    1. I’m Clan
      You know better.

      The police and fire departments are seething with Blue Lodge members. They are protected by secrecy. You know this is true so why pretend otherwise?

    2. ABSOLUTELY !!!! When it’s common knowledge you’ve broke laws that would prohibit you from becoming a LEO but yet you join and then a year and a half later your applying to Delmar police dept

  6. Leave is not firing but it took this blog to make them respond to the public. Ty Joe.

  7. Has anyone reported this to the FBI. They would be very interested in the case including bringing federal charges!

    1. Registered Hands reported it 139

  8. Any actual names yet?

  9. This stretches back farther than SPD or the States' Attorney's office is willing to admit. In fact, much, much longer, and goes farther than just the evidence room.

  10. Come on...Worchester Sauce was the mindset. How do u like ur steaks?

    February 26, 2020 at 4:06 PM:

    Aw come on yourself. Worcestershire sauce has no "H" in Worcester either.

  11. on Vacation to Bali !!!

  12. My question is: how can you investigate yourself??
    I find myself not guilty every time I do something wrong...
    That blue line never goesaway.


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