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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Mark Hamill hopes 2020 Democratic nominee will pick Michelle Obama as running mate

Actor Mark Hamill implored whoever wins the 2020 Democratic nomination for president to consider making Michelle Obama his or her vice presidential pick.

"I hope whoever becomes the Democratic presidential nominee will consider @MichelleObama as their running mate," Hamill tweeted Wednesday. "#DreamTeam2020."

Obama has brushed aside suggestions she might run for president.

"There’s zero chance,” she told the National late last year.



  1. wow more Hollywood advise NOT needed from rich out of touch actors and actresses. Dumb and Dumber

    1. They work for intelligence
      They are told what to say
      It is called a script - they are actors, remember?

    2. I hope the democratic nominee picks michelle obama as a running mate. It would be another reason to vote for Trump again.
      TRUMP 2020

  2. No...just no. Go away and sell your snake oil somewhere else.

  3. Big Mike is a racist. No thank you.

  4. The background check for her would be like throwing a fresh, bloody carcass into a pool of sharks.

  5. Honestly, can California produce any more idiots, I swear.

  6. Peewee Herman would be a better choice.

  7. Peewee Herman would be a better choice.

  8. Use your brain old washed up Jedi !!!!

  9. Luke, use the force - resist the dark side - don't give in to hate (well, the Democratic party)....

  10. Hamill was never quite right after that car crash.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Wow, what a combination- a Jewish communist and a female impersonator. Maybe they would pick a drag queen as Attorney General.

  12. Hamill needs to go back to playing with wookies.

  13. Mark Hammill is a pervert. Typical Hollywood ACTOR who thinks he knows how the U.S. should be run. The man makes a living playing make believe.

  14. Michelle Obama should never be in politics and no one needs her one cent worth of sense. Enough of both Obamas remember Obama Care the most failed plan since insurance became a word. Her book is just another one of those I WANT MY MEDIA ATTENTION! things. She did a documentary I watched of her growing up years and the family home etc. She described and showed her family home which I could have put two of mine in as poor ghetto nothing environment. She needs to come to Salisbury than she might learn the difference. Her family was not poor and I don't feel sorry for her charmed life.


  15. So-so was been actor but now a political strategy genius...in his mind.

  16. She's havin' too much fun hangin' out with Hollywood in Martha's vineyard to go to work.

  17. Holy crap! I don't live in a cave, but who the hell is Mark Hamill, and why does anyone care what he thinks?

  18. Out of your a$$ your head you must pull young Skywalker!


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