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Sunday, March 22, 2020

We Implore ALL Grocery Stores To Create Special Hours For The Elderly

With the Coronavirus affecting the elderly it would be wise for ALL grocery stores to set specific early morning hours, (6-8) to help protect them. 


  1. Good idea if the store has had time to start restocking the empty shelves.


  3. Acme is open at 6 AM
    Walmart is open 24 hours
    What more do people want?
    My parents are 85+ and you think they are up and about at 6AM?
    I appreciate the gesture but it is not founded in any fact or logic.
    Right now I pick up the groceries and I try to go at 7AM before work to avoid the crowd.

    1. Walmart is not open 24 hrs it's now 6/11 pm and I agree with the other comment Trump needs to Restrict the Ebt cards because they are massively Bulk shopping.

  4. 12:50. The fact is that the elderly are dying at a greater percentage than any other age group. They are rightfully scared to be around other people. Making it safer for them to grocery shop is a great idea. Although my 82 year old mother would get up at 6 am maybe 11-1 would be better as most people are working then. You shouldn’t have to fear for your life grocery shopping.

  5. Walmart is not opening 24 hours any more, Walgreens is cutting hours.. Target is cutting back hours.
    Fact is, the only thing they are selling is food, medicine, disinfectants, and toilet paper. People aren't buying T.v's, etc.
    Places will be closing as they don't need to be open. Resturants will be closing for lack of business.
    Yesterday Food Lion was packed. I refused to go in as I'm a senior citizen. I went back last night and the store was empty of people. I was in and out in 15 minutes with no one in line in front of me checking out. They were sending cashiers home early.

  6. We need to worry about the economy - there won't be any groceries if we keep closing stores and next laying of personnel. If we don't stop the panic we are headed for disaster.

  7. The food lion in ocean pines is amazing! They are “all hands on deck” and they really cater to seniors. While there are shortages, I see the manager, Nick, right there having everything filled up. I agree that seniors need some special hours, as the rest of the public moves faster and reacts quicker than they do.

  8. Does this mean that the elderly can't catch it from each other? If that is true then why not go further and have one of the many food lions around here just for the elderly? How about one of the theaters in the area just for the elderly? Maybe a restaurant just for the elderly?

  9. Bye bye unarmed Democrats.

  10. March 15, 2020 at 1:27 PM Did you have a point? I know the elderly are dying why the F do you think I am grocery shopping for my parents and keeping them out of public.


    None of what you said negates my comment.

    Another idiot that likes to hear themselves speak and doesn't have the ability to comprehend what they read.

    1. I guess I don’t have the ability to comprehend or understand because I have no idea why you are so upset with that person. And why you find it necessary to resort to name calling. Jeez calm down!

  11. Put a hold on EBT cards altogether. Let cash paying customers get it all first. Maybe the EBT crowd will get a job.

    1. I was in line at food lion one day and every cashier was being held up by some EBT card issue(Either lack of funds or the user not knowing how to use them)and I said very loudly "does anyone have time for a cash customer?". I was glared at initially until a man behind me said "yeah, this is ridiculous". The manager heard what was going on and opened a register to quickly check us out. I understand people need help but the amount full carts I see being wheeled out to $40,000 cars parked in the fire lane is insane.

  12. 2:46pm, good idea and I hope when you are elderly, they still have them, then you'll understand.

  13. Really. What will be the age group you recommend. Will you check I. D's at the door. Why is it you can't understand that only elderly with underlying health problems are at risk. If you test positive you are not going to die. Stop listening to CNN, and Trump haters. This is another Democrats hoax that will backfire. Start looking at stocks that are going to explore in the next week or so. When everyone gets tired of hearing about coronvirous.

  14. "...The fact is that the elderly are dying at a greater percentage than any other age group..."

    Duh! The elderly *ALWAYS* die at greater percentage than any other age group.

  15. They need to kick out the welfare queens that bring every kid with them coughing and sneezing all over the store!

  16. Tuesday might be a good choice at the Acme as it's senior discount day.

  17. Just get curbside pick up ... we do it all the time it’s very convenient

    1. The stores cancelled curbside pickup

    2. How foolish curbside is safer for customers and employees

  18. I'm with you, 12:50. I suppose I am elderly. Don't want to admit it. Some of these comments are just not logical. As a retired person, I have it easy. I can go to the store during the day when people are working.

  19. 3:09 your rude name calling says so much about you. All talk and no solutions for elderly people who have no one to help them. It’s easy to comprehend your comments...no substance. Just rants.

    1. I thought the same thing. Think they might just be having a terrible day and no one else to unload on. If they are shopping for their parents they probably have quite a a lot on their plate. God bless them for doing the right thing lesson their load.

  20. I'm in my 80's there's nothing left on my bucket list I could care less about the cronavirus.I'm gonna just keep on living my everyday life until I die and that's it. I'm not gonna change my whole life around just to squeeze out a few more days that aren't enjoyable anyway. I think most people my age probably feel the same way.I've had a great life and I thank GOD for that,whenever he wants me I'm ready. JOE please publish this comment I think it's important younger people hear this message.

    1. Glad you are living your life but don’t be in such a hurry for the next adventure.
      Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope

  21. What exactly is an EBT card?
    Signed, Very old dumb person.

  22. March 16, 2020 at 9:22 AM:

    Here's my message for young people, including my adult children:

    Here's a thought for all you naysayers. If I hear either of my adult children saying this thing is not a threat, and complain about the steps being taken to protect the public because it only kills old people, and I will disinherit them both. They will not be rewarded for wanting old people (parents and grandparents) dead, so they can live a life of Riley. And I'm "dead" serious. I heard enough crap about how nobody cares if its just old people dying. Keep trying to downplay it. More seniors need to take a stand against the younger generation that just wants the money, sooner rather than later. My kids won't get mine unless they have some concern for my life. Inheritances aren't automatic, and my kids aren't entitled to it. It will be a gift, freely given, if they are to get it. But don't wish me dead. Some charity will be glad to get it. Needless to say, if I'm dead, I don't need it.

  23. and Emplore some damn OPEN Check-out registers that are
    manned Not self serve !!!!

    Walmart & others have up to 16 with only 1 open

    NOT acceptable !!!!!

  24. Other stores need to have self checkouts. I go to Food Lion and would love to see a self checkout there. The ones at Acme & target are the worst. Target requires an employee handle cash transactions & acme seem like every other item needs employee assistance, and no scanner guns for large heavy items. All self check outside need a quantity button. As a 60+ year old with asthma, I'm avoiding crowds and staying home. Wont be out until we need groceries-milk, bread, cat food etc.

  25. Should be a Law Self ck outs have to give you 10% off the bill !!

  26. Old folks are still asleep !!!

  27. March 16, 2020 at 10:20 AM:

    If you can type your question on a blog, you can ask google.

  28. Unfortunately that may not help. If someone is actively shedding the virus, it is said to survive on surfaces for up to 9 days.

  29. Special hours for Toilet paper !!!

  30. Special hours for Biden & Bernie !!!! LOL

  31. CASH ONLY lines for the grocery stores is a genius idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. No Banks = No Cash !!!


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