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Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Viewer Writes:To Jim Perdue and the CEOs of the other poultry companies on the Eastern Shore

It is troubling to see empty meat cases in stores on the lower shore. Most of the citizens support and are proud of the fact that our area helps feed the world with your product. A lot of us put up with the smell and the traffic of the poultry companies. There should be no chicken shipped off the shore until there are arrangements made to fully supply all lower shore stores. LOOK OUT FOR THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE LOOKED OUT FOR YOU.


  1. 100% agreed. The smells are terrible and in the Spring you can not even enjoy the breeze due to the horrible smells. If nothing else, we should have chicken and eggs.

  2. Stores don't agree to sell Perdue products then Perdue has to sell out of the area. Why do you vote in Liberal Democrats that become millionaires off the US tax payer and mandate the US citizen to pay 100's of taxes and increase them at will for their political desires.

    1. Why do you bring politics into chicken sales. Nothing political about it, pure business agreements.

    2. Yea, that’s smart, then they’ll move their plants off the shore and you’ll be mad that we have no jobs left! Duh

  3. Perdue is working diligently to make sure food is getting to the customers. We are just as overwhelmed as other grocery services please be patient.

    1. Then cut overseas operations 100% not 15% for a few weeks

  4. If that would be the case then I assume that California and Florida would keep all of their fruits and vegetables. Texas and Florida would keep all of their beef. Utterly ridiculous.

  5. A little disappointed the lack of chicken in all the stores and here we are in the Home of the Perdue Chicken. I understand that a lot of stores do not sell Perdue chicken but in this time of need, maybe Perdue could set up a truckload of chicken to offer for people to purchase in the Civic Center Parking Lot, etc. unless that requires a special food permit. Just a thought.....

  6. The contracts to supply russia supercede the American family.... The bulk of the chicken is exported ti eastern europe

  7. Most politicians over the years have sold out America for the all mighty dollar.

  8. I only want republican chicken!

  9. Keeping it on the Shore will not help. My sister lives in one of the Eastern Sussex County developments, her parking lot is filled with cars with NY tags. All the NY folks have come to their summer vacation homes to get away from what is going on up there, and they have emptied all the local grocery stores after they got here. The number of new cases in Sussex has taken a big jump as well.

  10. They can only deliver what’s ordered...if people didn’t hoard and stayed calm there would be no issue

  11. Pretty sure the CEO of Perdue is Randy Day, our pride and joy mayor’s father

  12. Jake days old man PERDUE IS A POS

  13. Civil Dem war is Coming

  14. If people would BUY ONLY WHAT THEY NEED, instead of hoarding the chicken. There would be plenty to go around. There is no way in h*ll that a normal shopping trip for someone is 15 packages of chicken in their cart.

  15. Problem not the Company producing chicken the stores don’t contract but X amount from the Chicken Companies.....if they can get someone else’s product cheaper that’s what you see on the shelf!! Try sending your email to Walmart, Sam’s and FoodLion and see what response you get back! 5:18 and others make valid statements!!

  16. The chicken shortage has nothing to do with the suppliers but the purchasing department of each individual store chain. Not Perdue's fault but foodlion, Walmart, Acme and any end seller. The chicken company's would love to sell more locally but again not there fault.

    1. No the fault is with the people who have decided to alter their purchasing habits. First you should always have at least one weeks food and one months supplies on hand(I know this is hard for those who live paycheck to paycheck, been there done that, ask me about the blizzard of February 1979 sometime). Second if the supply chain is disrupted so much that a weeks worth of food and a months worth of supplies is not enough we are royally screwed and might as well accept the apocalypse has arrived.

  17. We can all be part of the solution. I plan to put a little table in my front yard tomorrow and place on it some extras that I have. I didn’t hoard, but bought chicken a while back and put it in the freezer, for instance. We have a few extra rolls of TP, and maybe a few other things. We are happy to share with neighbors who might need a little help. Before the haters chime in, the chicken will be in a comer and there will be a bottle of hand sanitizer on the table for neighbors to use here’re handling things. Most of our neighbors walk and they have been maintaining safe distancing, so this is a way we can spread a little kindness.

  18. Jim Perdue retired as ceo of Perdue 4 years ago

  19. Instead of chicken how about a nice plate of pasta and vegetables - what do you think got us into this situation??? It started in a Seafood market in Wuhan where a vendor was selling chicken and bats - look it up - read about it, educated your mind. When are we all going to wake up to the fact that climate change and our unbelievable dependence on meat and dairy may not have cause all of it, but sure as hell contributed to it. WAKE UP!!! Perdue is the only chicken company in the world that uses absolutely no antibiotics to produce their chicken - even they are trying to move in the right direction after realizing how dangerous the overuse of antibiotics are - I applaud them for that.

    1. It started in a weapons lab at the university of North Carolina chapel hill in 2015. It was published in a medical journal years ago. The head scientist on the paper was front he wuhan virology institute’s and working at chapel hill. Google it and you’ll find the truth. It’s why China was welding people into their apartment buildings in January. In January when I saw them welding doors shut to keep people in I knew this was bad and stocked up on a year of food, water, supplies, and ammo. I wrote in the comments then you guys should do what you need to.

  20. Was at the store today and all the rice was gone. How stupid, Americans don't even eat rice let alone know how to cook it.

    1. Yes we do. Your stupid.

    2. Um...it’s “you’re” stupid....stupid

    3. Apparently we do

  21. Jake days father 🖕

  22. Facts:
    Jim Perdue is not retired.
    There are 4 chicken companies on the Eastern Shore, not just Perdue.
    Perdue is running processing plants 6 days a week to put product on the shelves of their customers.
    Perdue sells a hell of a lot more chicken domestically, than it exports.
    Stop hoarding food and there may be enough to go around.
    Chicken is not the only thing not on the shelves, there is very little protein available right at all.
    If you don’t like the smell on the Eastern Shore, move. You complain about the smell and complain there is no chicken available in the same breath!
    Jake Day is Randy Day’s son. What does that have to do with no chicken on the shelves?

    1. Thank you. Every statement is correct. I wish you would straighten out all of the ignorant commenters (not all, just the ignoramuses) for all of the articles.

  23. They sell Purdue in Florida - no shortage. 😂

  24. forget food

    buy yourself a shotgun

    because the media is stroking the flames for riots

    Shoot to neutralize the threat coming into your home to pillage

  25. They live in their Glass Mansions & don't care about the Pee-ons

  26. Feds will probably give them a BIG Bail-Out !!! Like the rest

    Pee-ons get ZERO , Just like when Obama was President !!!


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