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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

'Under political attack right when we need care the most': Obama encourages protection of Affordable Care Act

Former President Barack Obama celebrated the 10-year anniversary of his signing of the Affordable Care Act into law by urging lawmakers to work to protect it.

"Ten years ago today, I signed the Affordable Care Act into law," Obama tweeted Monday. "It protected preexisting conditions, cut the uninsured rate in half, and lots more. But it's still under political attack right when we need care the most. We have to protect it, build on it, until we cover everyone."

The former president said in a video attached to his tweet that passing the healthcare law "meant more" to him than the day he was elected.



  1. Obama ruined the healthcare system. My company provided health care for its employees until that piece of garbage passed then it was far too expensive. Obamacare only works for those who dont!

  2. Well well well. Didn't Pelsoi state to Congress to approve the ACA and then read it later. Now she wants her wish list attached to the coronvirous bill. A pattern here. Do as I say - you all will love it. Time to stop this way of governing. Each bill should be voted on not attached to the principal bill. The Coronvirous would have been passed by now. Eliminate lobbyist for Democrats.

  3. I thought we were done hearing from that turd!
    His legislation broke every promise offered by the dumbocrats...while the Republican predictions came true!

    Please leave us alone so we can recover from your attempt to destroy this country!

  4. Channeling Blazing Saddles:

    “Up Yours, POTUS!”

  5. Who do you think really benefitted from Obama care - doctors. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me Obama got a cut on his ACA. Why do you think he is rich. How many manisons does he own now - all on a 100,000 + government paycheck. I don't think so. He doesn't have a product to sell so where is they money coming from - big business he secretly helped

  6. An once again, it's all about him.

  7. Useless Obama should shut up and disappear. Obama and Michelle became millionaires off the US tax Payer and put the US on a path of destruction. Obama destroyed our Healthcare system.

    1. Aww come on. He just spread it around a little bit.

  8. I personally do not care what Obama has to say about Obamacare. He ruined this country with that travesty of Insurance. This is when the medical Insurance field raised prices on everything. If you were still paying penalties this year you would be paying about $3,000 if you did not have insurance to the IRS. This was nothing more than a bunch of LIES put together by the Democratic Party to line their pockets. After all at least 128 members of Congress own stock in Pharmaceuticals.

  9. Barack, why don't you go and do something other than trying to inject your presidency into this one. You had two chances and left most things worse off than how you found them?
    Hillary Clinton as secretary of state -- that one is going to come back on you in a large way.

  10. The Rest of his damn Un-Affordable Care Act needs to be

    THROWN THE HELL OUT 2020 !!!

  11. Obama ruined the entire country. Do Not do anything that he suggests. He had his chance and blew it by destroying this country in so many ways.

  12. Remember He & his Demon-crats "SNUCK it in behind our
    backs " & NO-Body even read it before Passing it & it was
    reported to be 8 feet deep in paper !! The damn ACA !!!

  13. Obama is still working on getting his 3rd term through Biden. Biden will be a puppet to Obama and Hillary. Why else would Democrats support someone who will probably die in office. If you think paying for 3 funerals for McGain was unbelievable - if Biden gets elected and dies in office you will see a funeral in every State. 😂😂😂

  14. You can bet Hillary will be Biden's VP in case he dies > then SHE will be the
    POTUS at last !!!

    She will be the one who Really runs things in Biden's WH because he is
    full of Dementia & Altimers & needs his Naps all day !!!!

  15. The affordable care act was a disaster, you moron. His arm must be sore from patting himself on the back.


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