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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Viewer Writes.......

I find it curious that no importance is being put on washing our faces, where the Corona Virus hangs out after coughing, sneezing and breathing. Those coughing or sneezing into a tissue or elbow are covering their faces with the virus every time they do. Washing hands isn't enough.


  1. Use lye soap and a stiff brush.

  2. Do people really need to be told what parts of their bodies you should be washing? No wonder this is spreading.

  3. If you already have the virus then breathing it back in is not going to make a difference. The purpose of coughing or sneezing into your elbow or tissue is to prevent you from infecting others.

    If you are already infected washing your face is not going to make you get better any quicker although at the very least it may feel refreshing.

  4. And clothes, cars, mailboxes, pillows... that's it we're all hazmat suiting

  5. use a brillo pad if you want to get it all!

  6. Washing hands isn't enough. Correct.

    That is why we are being told to social distance. That is why they are asking people to stay at home. It is why they are asking people to stop touching their faces. That is why they are telling you to wipe your phone. To wash your hands. To limit your exposure to other people.

    How much more direction do you need? Get a grip. I find it curious that we already have enough info to keep us safe yet half the people think it doesnt apply to them. They dont believe anything anyone tells them. And we have a society of people that dont understand that they need to play along with the rules.

  7. Are we sure Revelations said it would end with "Trumpets" and not "Trump/Pence"?

    1. Of course someone to invoke the supernatural. Smh

    2. aaaaand politics...

      smdh is right

  8. thank you to all the doctors on here

  9. We touch everything with our hands, not our face


    1. Their husbands will be so upset!

  11. We touch our faces hundreds of times daily then touch everything else.

  12. If their covering THEIR faces in the virus, then they aren't spreading it to mine. They already have the virus. Having it on their face isn't going to make them any sicker. There are some really stupid suggestions out here that don't do a lick of good.

  13. March 24, 2020 at 1:52 PM:

    Hard to believe someone would say that and think it is true. I can speak for most people and say, WE do not touch our faces hundreds of times a day. You have a nervous problem that needs to be treated if you touch your face 100's of times a day. I'm surprised you're not in the hospital already.

    1. The comment from 1:52 is reason I don't believe very much that I read

  14. Racoons wash their hands and food more than humans.

  15. From a university study:
    Results: On average, each of the 26 observed students touched their face 23 times per hour. Of all face touches, 44% (1,024/2,346) involved contact with a mucous membrane, whereas 56% (1,322/2,346) of contacts involved nonmucosal areas. Of mucous membrane touches observed, 36% (372) involved the mouth, 31% (318) involved the nose, 27% (273) involved the eyes, and 6% (61) were a combination of these regions.

  16. March 24, 2020 at 3:49 PM:

    But then again, university students haven't been seriously sick enough times to take personal hygiene seriously. And only 26 of them were studied. Those so-called results mean nothing to clinical science. Where do you get this stuff? Why do you cite statistics from a nothing study and present them as "facts?" University students are eat up with STDs and all kinds of other illnesses because they don't practice good hygiene. Most people are not as stupid as young university students. Your study is not a valid or reliable study, and was probably conducted by a freshman for a quick homework assignment. That study is not science, and intelligent people would not accept it as science. But I guess you believe everything you can Google.

  17. I was drinking in west oc bars last Sunday and got caught washing my face. The staff made fun of me. Who’s laughing now.

  18. If you do not have a good wire brush to scrub your face,pure old sand will work. It's effective and cheap. Use pure sand tho, not dirt or your face will be a mud pie.

  19. One study published by the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene recorded 10 subjects as they did office-style work for three hours in a room by themselves. On average, they touched their faces 15.7 times per hour.
    There aren't many studies because no one thought it important. Maybe they should.

  20. March 24, 2020 at 3:49 PM:

    That "study" had to be a homework assignment turned in by a freshman student at the last minute. Gee, let's look at my classmates and see how many times they touch their faces for an hour, and then do some quick statistics and turn it in. Not remotely close to a clinical study. Stupid to mention "research" like that.

  21. March 24, 2020 at 4:08 PM:

    I'M laughing at your lie, that's who. The west OC bars were already closed last Sunday. What you just got caught doing is lying.


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