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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Trump official: U.S. coronavirus lockdown to last 10-12 weeks

The lockdown affecting large segments of the American public to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus is likely to last 10 to 12 weeks, or until early June, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Sunday.



  1. That's a long time from the same people who said this was a democrat hoax...

    1. True!!! Glad our President is finally taking this seriously.

  2. This is far too late..
    I hope I live to Vote against him after being so gullible in 2016...

    1. A lot of people were conned, at least some are recognizing that now.

    2. Just stupid in 2020.

  3. Again the hoax is Democrats politicizing Coronvirous.

    1. Nope, the media and Democrats were not politicizing, they were repeating what the experts were saying.
      The Republicans KNEW the facts also.

    2. Where do you think we would be if Dems where handling this virus instead of Trump. I would like to hear what you have to say about handling it better.

    3. If Dems were handling this, it would be just like 2009 and Obama. Remember that? 61 MILLION AMERICANS were infected by H1N1 Swine Flu. Of those, 12,700 AMERICANS died from H1N1 Swine Flu. Those are FACTS. Look it up. Obama’s lack of action lead to many deaths. But, don’t let facts get in the way of your Trump bashing. Funny how you Democrat’s didn’t have anything to say in 2009.

  4. I can't wait until the thugs here this lol.

  5. Rand Paul tested positive for coronavirus after voting against the funding bill. Ironic. He was also at a dinner with Republican Senators on Friday

    1. Why was he at the gym we were told mot to attend gyms?? Practice what you preach.

  6. 4:09 and 4:18 (Same person)

    The only gullible people are those that vote for the dumbocrat empty promises of free stuff.

    President Trump is focused on dealing with the Chinese Corona Virus and the dumbocrats are doing everything they can to politicize it.

    Dumbocrats are disgusting disgraceful creatures!

  7. 4:18 PM - You did not vote for him the first time. Stop your silliness. I did and will again unless I die. Then I guess I will be voting for a democrat.

    1. You are incredibly stupid. Why keep voting for a party that just damaged this great nation.

    2. Trump made America great and will do it again. MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    3. 7:00 pm - I guess we can all ask you that question. Why keep voting for a party that CONSTANTLY does damage to the great nation?

  8. People, please stop!! (map)

  9. I still believe this is a total overreaction but President Trump has no choice but to go along with the left wing hype because he will be blamed for every death whether it be the flu or a car accident if he didn't. If this is over in less than a month the economy will come roaring back if not it will still come back but the left wing media will try and suppress it.

  10. Truth of the matter is it is going to be till August at the earliest before we can start going out again in limited groups.

    Thank You Bat Eating China!

  11. I'm buying stock tomorrow. Don't want to miss out on the only chance I will ever have again to buy low. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  12. School's out for summer!

  13. That is not what he said. Mnuchin said the BILL was designed to stimulate the economy over a 10-12 week period.

  14. no way a business can shut down for 3 months then start right back up! the devastation across this country will make the depression look like a cake walk!

  15. Amen 7:59 ! So Very True !


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