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Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act is unfair for America's small businesses

Most Americans have an inherent orientation towards fair play. We don’t always get things right, but I believe, on balance, we try. So, for example, most of us would try to help the small guy (person) first rather than the person who already has a lot. We understand that the big guy often does not need as much help.

Small businesses struggle each day to make ends meet. So, when trying to remedy the fallout from the virus, I would guess that we want to help small businesses. Yet, Congress just passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which turns this thinking upside down.

In the bill, companies with more than 500 employees are exempt from the requirement to provide paid leave for their employees. Employers with under 500 employees (small businesses) are required to provide paid time off for their employees who are kept away from work as a result of the current pandemic.



  1. Look they cant control us if all bussiness is not centrally controlled. This bill will finally kill small bussiness giving the swamp what they want AGAIN!! Its the same sceantio as 911..create a diaster, play on emotions,msm drumbeats, repeats mantra, exploit horror show to ram thru laws that kill AMERICA, kill freedoms...WTFU.
    We all need to pray for Trump. They have his back against the wall right now (china and democrats) they need him gone.
    My small bussiness a salon gets nothing from this.. my workers are independent contractors.

    1. Wow! Your cognitive dissonance is mind blowing!

    2. No, she's right

    3. What type of salon? Aren't hair stylists just basically a contractor? Would you really have to cover them?


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