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Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Coastal Hospice & Coronavirus

Coastal Hospice has a family member of a patient that is quarantined because they came in contact with a person at their job who tested positive for the Virus. The President of Coastal Hospice does not think there is cause for the employees/patients of Hospice to be concerned. Alane Capen wants it kept quiet! There is a lot wrong at C. H.


  1. They almost killed me three years ago. I'm not even terminally ill. They wouldn't let me see my doctor or go to the hospital. They told me I had six months to live, even though my doctor had never said that. They drugged me all the time. If I hadn't summoned the wherewithal to call 911 when they weren't here, I wouldn't be here. And I took the DNR off my fridge before the ambulance came. I had pneumonia in both lungs and cellulitis in my legs and they wouldn't allow me to be treated. Before you sign on that dotted line, be sure you are fully informed. They lied to me and said you didn't have to be terminally ill to receive their services. Don't stop advocating for your loved ones even if their time is truly limited. These people will take you out of the world whether or not it's your choice.

    1. I agree with you 7:10, they are more about death than life. They are probably the ones that loved horror movies as kids. Can't get enough death.

  2. Same thing going on at a lot of places. Including law enforcement!!! Right now those buildings are hot beds for infection spreading.

  3. Coastal Hospice = Assisted Suicide TRUTH!!!!

  4. Damn. Didn't know this.

  5. Omg. It’s called hospice care. Look it up. Why on earth did 7:10 sign up with them without drs referral. Lots of untruths here.

  6. The patients cousins, aunt's husbands neighbors wife has covid 19 too...Could it be that pt and family anonymity has anything to do with this? Two things are clear, if the employee who posted this doesn't feel heard they should leave. Plenty of jobs in healthcare right now. Don't be disloyal or a coward. Secondly, a lot of responses have clearly no idea/experience with hospice. Several of my loved ones died while on their care and they were a big support to the entire family....

  7. I swear to God and my mother's grave that what I stated here is the truth. They have their own doctor who signs you up without ever having laid eyes on you. You don't have to believe me. I will pray for you if you end up in their care. I only offer this as a cautionary tale.

    Sharon Walton


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