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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Dems Are Right. Americans Find Annoying Liberal Women Very Annoying.

Mark your calendars because today is the day Townhall Senior Columnist Kurt Schlichter agreed with Big Chief Warren and Scat Francisco Congresscreature Nancy Pelosi. Yes, they are correct that Americans rejected Sitting Bolshevik because she was a woman, specifically, because she was a very, very annoying woman who, besides her track record of tacky lies, was very, very annoying in a uniquely female way. Putting aside that she is the Bud Light of faculty lounge socialism, Americans had no desire to spend four years with some national librarian in the Oval Office pestering us about using our inside voices and demanding that we share the toys we bought with the kids who broke theirs.

She comes across as hella school-marmy, and the fact is that marms identify as female.

Of course, the male-identifying Crusty Commie Curmudgeon and Not-Senile Joe are annoying too. Like special snowflakes, Democrats are all irritating in their own special ways. But it’s true that Warren, and other females like Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, are tiresome in specific ways unique to women. See, men and women are different, so awful men and awful women can bother us in different ways.



  1. Ain't that the truth!

  2. I love her but she's hard to like.

  3. Funny article but it speaks volumes. The marm's voice is the scratching of nails on the chalk board and Pelosi should have taken a bow years ago. Prediction...when Trump wins reelection, Nancy will fade into the sunset due to health reasons (hic).

  4. I like the new name for San Francisco. Scat Francisco.

  5. how about Craponthesidewalkfrisco.


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