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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Bloomberg adviser warns of 'scorched earth' retaliation against Trump children if GOP attacks Hunter Biden

An adviser to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's campaign threatened a "scorched earth" response against President Trump's children if the GOP refuses to back off from Hunter Biden.

During a weekend interview on MSNBC, Timothy O'Brien suggested that Democrats would engage in a media campaign against the Trump children "unlike anything they've experienced thus far" if Republicans continue to investigate and attack the son of Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden.

The comment came after Joy Reid, the host of AM Joy, asked O'Brien to discuss the first family's financial activity during Trump's administration.



  1. Bloomberg touch Trump's fam we come after U.

  2. Like millions of dollars in legal fees for Russia hoax. Closing of several multimillion dollar businesses because of constant attacks?

  3. He had great advisers

  4. And why isn't that adviser locked up for his threats?

    1. Bc Obama FBI are STILL In charge

  5. Big difference bidens they are crooks who never built anything or worked. They need the money. Trumps dont. Bloomburg needs to shut his useless mouth.

  6. LOLOLOL, go ahead and throw more money away "minnie Mike" you are a big loser !!! It will flop just like your presidential campaign!

  7. Gloves are off, no more mister nice guy. This begins the depths to which the left will attack and make yet another run at Trump. Can't win at the ballot box so "leeeeeeeeeeeeeeet's get ready to RUMBLE"!

  8. Bloomberg, do something useful with the remainder of your life.

    And cross off "throw half a billion out the window" ....

  9. WHO doesn't think they (liberal goofs) haven't spent MILLIONS and employed hundreds of people to turn over every rock, speak to every friend, comb through every document, and explore all social media from the last 15 years to find SOMETHING on the Trump children that they could use to continue the hate campaign??

    They got nothing.

    Tell Bloomberg and his buddies to go all out. Give it everything they got. Exhaust every possibility.

    Keep cheering.


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