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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor issues excoriating dissent and says Republican-appointed justices are BIASED towards Trump after Green Card discrimination ruling

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor blasted the Trump administration as well as her conservative colleagues on the bench after they okayed banning green cards for those who make use of food stamps, Medicaid, or housing vouchers.

In a 5-to-4 ruling on Friday, the Court's conservative majority allowed the administration's 'wealth test' for would-be immigrants to go into effect while appeals wind their way through the legal system.

The ruling was similar to the one handed down by the high court last month, which was appealed by the administration after a federal judge in New York issued a nationwide injunction.

Friday's ruling by the Supreme Court lifted a limited injunction that applied only to Illinois.



  1. So...courts that follow the Constitution and rule of law are now bias?
    I think most will remember she never had the experience to be a judge from day one.

  2. So SHE pulled the political card out on a non-political issue????? She should be unbiased.

  3. She should’ve stepped down long ago

  4. She’s just angry because she has to be around heterosexual people.

  5. She is a typical biased liberal. Her job is NOT to change the constitution, her job is to reinforce it!!!

  6. So if a Supreme Court Justice is in the minority vote they are now take it to the "Public" for a vote?

  7. She certainly avoided the legality of the case at hand in her so-called scathing dissent.

  8. Boo hoo.. the court doesn't lean left anymore, so NOW it's not fair...take your gavel and go home.

  9. And the "liberal" justices are biased for Obummer. Get over yourself.

  10. And the big justice went wah wah wah, all the way home

  11. She's just pissed that she's not in the majority anymore and can no longer legislate from the Judicial Branch of our government. As it should be!!
    Just like Nutty Nancy, she's having a temper tantrum.

  12. Have any of these justices looked at the immigration questionnaire for other countries? Most of them have questions about your financial status AND require you to be solvent! This is one of the most ridiculous court battles I've ever witnessed...people who are coming here legally need to be able to support themselves as soon as they arrive! We cannot foster care the whole world! I feel for those who are fleeing for legitimate reasons from their countries, but to think that we can willy-nilly say "welcome to the US, here's all your freebies" is ludicrous and irresponsible!

  13. Sotomayor forgot she helped draft and push for Obamacare and then when it got to the SCOTUS she never dissented and heard it then ruled with biases. Sotomayor and the other liberals are mad, since they cannot legislate from the bench and has to abide by the Constitution and the rule of law instead of by their biased political opinions. If her and her liberal Justices can't live by the Constitution then they should resign ASAP.

  14. Sodom-meyer never should have been on the court !!!

    2 term limits for ALL !!! Congress & SCOTUS !!!!

  15. Who is tired of winning yet???


    It was okay when THEY wrote law from the bench. No problem.

    And, NEVER in my life have I seen Supreme Court judges publicly complain in interviews, "forums", newspapers, and TV shows about their positions or politics.

    Hang them, too.

    Just give me a moment to laugh at them first....

  16. TOO much power > Need 2 term Limits for ALL !!!

    4 yr terms for the Germs !!!!

  17. Thank Lindsay "the Cuck" Graham for her after he told her that if he said what she said he'd be branded a racist and then appointed her anyway. A jellyfish has a stronger spine.

  18. But when the left leaning SCOTUS was siding with the left packed 9th circuit on all of Obama's controversial executive orders, she was all on board with that kind of "bias." Trump is correct (again). A SCOTUS jurist that openly and publicly expresses her political bias should recuse herself from Trump administration decisions. Diversity for diversity's sake is a danger to our government. Female Hispanic was her strongest "qualification."

  19. 2 term limits for ALL !!! Congress & SCOTUS !!!!

    February 24, 2020 at 5:48 PM:

    Please pray tell, what is a two term limit for SCOTUS? You didn't think before you opined. They already get a lifetime term. You want to give them two lifetime terms? A mandatory retirement age for SCOTUS would be most appropriate, like other judgeships. But thanks for the chuckle.


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