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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Republicans Walk Out of Coronavirus Briefing After Democrats Play Politics With the Crisis

Several House Republicans walked out of a closed-door briefing on the coronavirus by Trump administration health officials after a Democratic chairman railed against the White House response to the crisis.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the leading House health appropriator, kicked off the briefing by criticizing the administration for being disorganized and lacking urgency in its response. Several GOP members started to boo before most Republicans got up and walked out.

"If I wanted to hear the politics of it, I'd read Politico or something, let's be serious," said Rep. Paul Mitchell of Michigan. Even Democrats were uncomfortable with DeLauro's tirade.



  1. Bernie and Biden received a combined 300k votes plus. Let that sink in. Democrats plan is working folks the 3 years of 24/7 lies, investigations and impeachment is working.

  2. Warm weather will be here soon...the Flu Viruses will gone

    Democrats will pick something else

    I am so sick of Democrat progressives

  3. Democrats prove once again, that they do not care about the American people, just power and greed. Throw the bums out!

  4. I believe the governments got together and released this bioweapon as a cover for the impending economic collapse. The economic collapse will be blamed on the virus to deflect responsibility for the endless debasement of the currencies by the criminal Central Bankers.


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