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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor recuses herself from Electoral College case

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor rescued herself from an upcoming case that will affect the Electoral College, citing a potential conflict of interest.

The Colorado court case, which will be heard next month, will rule whether the U.S. Constitution forbids states from dictating how members of the Electoral College cast votes for president. The question before the court is if electors, or those who ultimately cast the Electoral College votes, are mandated to cast those votes for the candidate who won the popular vote.

Sotomayor recused herself as a result of a long-time friendship with one of the parties in one of the cases. The acquaintance, Polly Baca, was one of three electors who argue that they should to be able vote for the candidate of their choice rather than the candidate who won the popular vote in the state. Baca and Sotomayor have been friends for decades, with Baca's sister and her family living in Sotomayor's New York apartment, according to NBC News.



  1. I'm impressed that the Obama-Appointed-Affirmative-Action actually did something correct - although she probably did it so her friend would not be upset if she (most likely wouldn't though) were to rule with the constitution - but everyone would scream when she ruled against the constitution when they find out that it was her friend!

    1. Only because it’s conservative controlled right now so she’ll give the illusion of being impartial

  2. so now it can be a tie, and nothing will happen

    1. A tie favors the accused. So it does mean something happens.

    2. The court is 5-4...with her out it is 5-3 conservative/liberal...a tie would seem unlikely..

  3. If trump didn’t bring it up she would still be hearing the case.

  4. If they win, Americans can just skip the voting part.....just name the Electors and let THEM decide who is the next President.
    Do they ever think about what they are actually proposing??

    These people are beyond just stupid.

    Keep cheering.

    1. Absolutely correct. This is the only way the Democrats can win. Become popular with promises o free everything.

  5. Good, our forefathers were smart enough to realize the Government would be taken over by greedy evil people and wrote the Constitution for a reason.

  6. I hope Ruthy gets the gift from China and our President gets to appoint another!

  7. This is the most foolish thing ever... the electoral college is a brilliant way of being sure all states in the public are represented. Yes, sometimes it means for wonky elections... but it's wisdom shouldn't be tampered with.

    It's also a reminder the the candidates who win without the popular vote that they must work for all Americans... not just the people who voted for them... it is a reminder that they could easily loose the next time around.

    I hope the supreme court rules against this foolishness.


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