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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Montana Resident Visiting Anne Arundel County Tests Positive for COVID-19

Maryland Officials Leading the Investigation; World Health Organization Declares Global Pandemic
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that a Montana resident visiting Anne Arundel County has tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). While this will be classified as a Montana case, the Maryland and Anne Arundel County Health Departments will take the lead on the investigation.
This individual is a woman in her 70s who was alerted that she had been in close contact with a confirmed case. The patient presented for testing at an Anne Arundel County hospital, which took all necessary precautions to protect staff and patients.
Maryland Department of Health (MDH) officials have notified Montana health officials, and Governor Hogan contacted Montana Governor Steve Bullock.
“Once we became aware of this case, we acted swiftly to coordinate with officials both here in Anne Arundel County and in Montana,” said Governor Hogan. “I continue to urge Marylanders to stay informed, and follow the guidance we have issued. We want to emphasize that if you are concerned about symptoms, please call your healthcare provider. We will continue to share information as it becomes available.”
Today, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic. More than 1,000 cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the United States across more than 35 states.
Maryland is currently operating under a state of emergency, and the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has elevated its state response activation level. At the governor’s direction, state agencies have ramped up response and preparedness effort across all levels of government. He has also issued a directive requiring state health carriers to waive all cost-sharing regarding testing for COVID-19, andguidance to long-term and continuing care facilities that serve older people. The list of ongoing state actions is available atgovernor.maryland.gov/coronavirus.
For health resources regarding COVID-19, including case counts and clinician guidance, Marylanders should visithealth.maryland.gov/coronavirus.

1 comment:

  1. seal the borders.
    ocean city is closed until further notice
    put a roadblock at the bridges and cbbt and all roads from Delaware
    the shore is a quarantine zone now


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