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Friday, March 06, 2020

Supermarkets prepare for FOOD RIOTS as part of emergency plans to feed the nation as panic buying Brits strip shelves faster than they can be refilled.. but high streets and shopping centres are deserted

British supermarkets are prepared for food riots if panic buying becomes widespread in the worst-cast scenario of a coronavirus pandemic, a retail expert has said.

Former Tesco supply chain director Bruno Monteyne said a major outbreak of the virus would result in 'panic buying, empty shelves and food riots' but that at this stage retailers would revert to 'feed the nation' status to avoid anyone going hungry.

It came as Boris Johnson tried to reassure Britons he would 'keep the country fed' and urged people to refrain from stockpiling essentials as photos circulated of empty shelves in supermarkets.



  1. Look for some great high ticket sales when this is over.

  2. The title of the article is the goal of the author.
    Create panic and chaos

    The people won't realize the economy was doomed to crash any way, but instead will assume the virus caused the economy to crash. Black Swan Event.

    The criminal central bank owners get away with printing money from thin air for the past 12 years and buying up all of the assets with free money. Nobody will blame them, when they can blame the virus.

    Tell me I'm wrong?

  3. If you don't already know how to make bread, this would be a good time to learn.

  4. And pasta. All it takes is flour and eggs. Add some salt, pepper and butter and you got a very filling meal.

  5. 7:26

  6. 20000 people have died from the flue this year


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