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Friday, March 06, 2020

ER Doctor: 98 to 99 Percent Of Coronavirus Victims ‘Are Going To Do Very, Very Well’

As the media continues to spread panic about the coronavirus, one emergency room doctor is warning people not to get too carried away.

Speaking on “America’s Newsroom” this week, Dr. James Phillips, operational medicine fellowship director at George Washington University, said that most people who contract the coronavirus will “do just fine.”

“Most of us are going to get this virus. It’s undeniable,” said Phillips. “You won’t find a single expert out there who is saying that this is going to be contained. “And, the more we learn about it, the more we see that the spread is going to be global and, for the most part, that’s OK because the data we know from China shows that roughly 98 to 99 percent of us are going to do very, very well.”

Phillips said that the main danger with coronavirus is how it affects the lower respiratory system, which presents itself as pneumonia. He called on everyone to just take a deep breath and calm down.



  1. If they have heath care.

  2. Take a deep breath.... Poor choice of words there buddy.

  3. How does this person know? Hardly anyone has been tested. There are people spreading this virus right now that have no idea they have it.
    The truth is, nobody knows how this is going play out.

  4. How about the 18000 that died with the regular flu?


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