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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Stay Home


  1. I was out of the house today because I had an emergency pipe repair at home.ive been in the medical field for over 20 years. I had to get a pipe from lowes after one of mine busted. I wore a mask and gloves. I couldn't believe the amount of people walking around with absolutely no protection. There were a few people with masks or gloves but not many. There were people hugging and shaking hands. There was even an off duty sheriffs office deputy couple walking around with no protection. And they have kids. There were over 200 people in the store. It's very sad that very little people in our area is taking this seriously. The Spanish flu killed 50 million people worldwide. Anyone that is walking around without protection is both risking their lives and everyone else's life.

    Many people will get sick. Many people will die. Thus will not go away anytime soon. You probably will get sick. You may die..you are not invincible.

    Laugh now, pay later. Your child will grow up without their parent or grandparent because you are too stupid to take precautions to stop the spread of this deadly illness.

    Dont be a total idiot. Wear protection when you go out. A mask and gloves at least. If you dont have them then stay inside.

  2. Now this really needs to be shared. Hopefully all the passive carriers will stay home. A little sacrifice will help get the country through this.

  3. Accurate, realistic post!
    The various interviews of medical professionals on t v and the internet, all say same thing. The expressions on their faces, tears and pleas to all of us, should move us to action. Yes, it is stressful, depressing, inconvenient, uncomfortable and much more. However, not taking heed to these necessary measures, will, yes, will make things worse for all of us.
    The first death from this virus at PRMC was just reported today.

  4. Maybe we should see it - that's the only way to believe. Quote Seeing in believing" You don't have to look if you don't want too!

  5. I had to leave my house today to get a pipe part because one of mine broke in my home due and caused some minor flooding. So, I masked and gloved up and went to lowes. To my horror there were over 200 people in the store, very few wearing masks, some hugging and shaking hands as they met. I don't understand these people.

    As a medical professional for over 25 years, I can tell you without a doubt that these people are not only risking their lives but are risking everyone else's life.

    Laugh now, pay later. Careless people are creating an atmosphere that nothing bad will happen to them. You will get the virus and you will spread it to others. Some people will die because of your carelessness and disregard for your fellow man. I even saw a couple from the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office, married supervisors, that were walking along laughing and carrying on at Lowes without any protective equipment. If this is how our police set the standard for protecting the population, they are a total embarrassment to the Sheriff's Office and are risking our and their child's life.

    Don't be total idiots. If you are going out to places, wear something around your mouth and nose, preferable a mask if you can get one. Wear gloves. These things are not expensive and can still be found readily on ebay and amazon.

    The Spanish flu killed 50 million people world wide. Don't be an total ass. You will get sick, you will make others sick. People will die. Stay inside or mask and glove up. Stay away from other people.

    1. Hhhmmmm Hamiltons??

    2. Embarrassment to the Sheriff’s Office is right. On so many levels.

  6. I don’t believe in the threat

  7. Well Hamilton does poke his head out of Mike Lewis's fat, dirty ass every once in a while to see what's going on. Like the groundhog!

  8. For God's sake, people. Stay home! Can it be that bad? Would you rather risk dying?

  9. A meme says it's real, therefore, it must be real. 9/11 was an inside job and this is too.


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