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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pelosi: Increased Election Funding So There’s ‘More Vote by Mail’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that the House is “setting up” to address pensions in the next coronavirus bill, and tied increased election funding so we can have an election with “more vote by mail” to the “coronavirus necessity list” in the House.

Pelosi said, “We need to address pensions. Actually, in that case, we had the support of the president, but not Mitch McConnell. He wouldn’t do it. He said he’d do it in another bill. So, we’re setting up for the next bill.”



  1. Oh I see . . .

    We have Coronavirus which is a known biological weapon sharing 4 strands of DNA with HIV, and 1 strand with H1N1.

    Then we have economic collapse - mandated by the Government

    Then we have 2$Trillion created out of thin air and doled out to Big Business. This is about $6,200 for every Man, Woman, and Child in the United States. We get $1,200. The Children get $500. You do the math.

    Now we have plans for Pension Reset. Why? Because they are a Ponzi Scheme, just like everything about this Government.

    Now we also have Voting Law Changes?

    Do you see the AGENDA behind the release of this Biological Weapon?

  2. Pelosi was a sucker to believe McConnell. Just like anyone would be a sucker to believe anything coming out of Pelosi's mouth.

  3. So they can steal the election

  4. Yeah the list goes on. Blah blah blah.

  5. The House under Pelosi can vote for whatever she wants - it still needs to be approved by the Senate. Wish the media would spell that out and not mislead people into thinking everything Pelosi does or says - it isn't law until approved by the Senate.

  6. I've already warned you this is a collaborative effort the democrats are in collusion with the Chinese to orchestrate and steal the election this is just one Avenue of an attempt beware be vigilant they will try to steal this election

    1. Ok, submit your evidence, please.

    2. yes 445

      all part of the deep state

      Billions have been stolen from Tax payers by the Deep State.

      President Trumps election put all the theft on hold.

      The Progressives Democrats are anxious to get our President out of office to continue the taxpayer money theft

  7. Pelosi increased the Pork in the bill !!!

  8. Political pensions should be eliminated before the Average US citizen. Any change in the election process means the Democrats are election tampering like the redistricting joke that put in more Democrats and eliminated Republicans

  9. There is NO VOTE for her & her Cronies !!!


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