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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Shocking moment cop shoots unarmed driver eight times and kills him after he suddenly got out of his car despite being told to stay in the vehicle

Body cam footage has been released showing the moment a police officer shot an unarmed driver eight times and killed him.

Driver Eric Sopp was gunned down after refusing to stay in his vehicle and continued to get out despite being repeatedly told to remain inside.

The cop, identified as Officer Page, could be heard yelling 'don't get out of the car' before opening fire on the 48-year-old in the harrowing police footage.

Criminal charges will not be filed against the officer in Maryland who fatally shot Sopp, who had been accused of threatening to hurt himself and others.



  1. Harrowing? [laughs sarcastically]
    That’s sick cop humor right?
    This is murder or suicide by willing cop. Take your pick.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: This would’ve ended much better for him if he just followed instructions. Some people are just destined for an ending like this. I hope the officer doesn’t second guess his actions which, in my opinion, were highly justified and appear to be in keeping with policy. I’d have done exactly the same.

  3. Very bottom of the long article bashing le is says he was armed with ice pick, log and possibly a knife. He was intoxicated and was going to kill himself or others. That’s is the ONLY information the cop had. Upon arrival the suspect is refused to show his hands, refused to stay in vehicle, drunk or high and got out of the vehicle and approached the cop...society hates cops and always will until they need one. Then the cop isn’t their fast enough, received a complaint for speeding on the way their and gets Criticism during the call by complete clueless curbside lawyers...

  4. 12:02. There not their.
    Sorry, but I couldn’t help myself. I completely agree with you, by the way.

  5. Taser or shot in the leg. But you shoot him 8 times. Murder plain amd simple.

  6. It's simple.

    When interacting with someone who can (and will) KILL YOU for just making them afraid (the standard is VERY low for people with a badge, nonexistent for those without one), just follow their instructions.
    To the letter.
    No questions, no protest, no BS.
    You'll (probably) live to tell the story.

    How stupid can you get???

  7. The use of a spot light in the drivers mirrors causes complete blindness, {quickly pull over or crash} extremely dangerous and would cause anyone to be upset. Not being able to see who, accompanied with trouble hearing I can understand the reason not to comply with demands. Coupled with young inexperienced leo, clearly fearful with gun drawn immediately. I see no justification for this homicide. There is zero evidence of "feared for my life".
    Reminds me of a few years ago when a known dangerous msp officer shot and killed a man whom was having a seizure...he was not coherent and could not comply...shot in the back, and yes this officer still searches the highways for his next victim. This same leo threatened someones life just a few months before this because of 2 tickets beaten in court. Internal investigations ignored the evidence and the danger. "aggressive officers" , there are others, and some make their way up the ladder very quickly.
    Mistakes happen, even to the best, but to ignore the wrongfulness of it is criminal.

  8. There is good reason they redacted the part that would show what the driver done when he could finally see it was an leo with gun drawn. Perhaps he only raised his empty hands. Bad Shoot.

  9. Why hasn’t this been 24 hour and 7 days a week media coverage?

    Because it wasn’t an unarmed black male.

    Why aren’t there riots?

    Because it was an unarmed while male.

    No joke.

  10. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

  11. 12:58
    I agree, good advice

    The firearm must be respected

  12. It also said this cop has been on the job for 21 years. He sounded like a kid to me.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 12:31 but you are an idiot who has watched too many low budget movies and have come away thinking tasing someone accurately enough to stop a deadly threat or the old “shoot em in the leg” will stop the threat. Tell me just how accurate you would be at shooting a moving target in an area as small as someone’s leg. A law enforcement officer is trained to use sufficient force to stop the threat. There is a 21 foot rule that basically says that if a subject is within 21 feet of you and presents the threat of bodily harm or death, you take them out. I always prefer two rounds to the center of mass and one to the head in case they are wearing a ballistic vest. Sounds harsh? Sorry but there are a lot of bad people out there among us.

  14. These dumbass idiots will never learn to obey the police officer's orders! Is it that hard to comprehend? If you don't obey, you run the risk of being shot........and rightfully so. Better the thug than the law abiding cop.

  15. The mom thought he was suicidal. I guess she was right.

  16. February 29, 2020 at 9:31 PM:

    YOU"RE the bad person among us.


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