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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Mother says Greta Thunberg was 'disappearing into some kind of darkness' before climate activism

Greta Thunberg's mother is opening up about her daughter's struggles before the climate activist gained global recognition.

Malena Ernman, the mother of Thunberg, described her daughter as severely depressed before taking on her role as an icon for climate activism in an edited extract from her forthcoming book published Sunday by the Guardian.

Beginning in 2014, Thunberg — who is diagnosed with Asperger’s, high-functioning autism, and obsessive-compulsive disorder — struggled to eat, play, laugh, or talk with others as she entered the fifth grade. Her mother also claimed the then-11-year-old cried without ceasing.



  1. I don’t think she had any of those conditions.

  2. But without any time on the water she crossed the ocean in a 50ft sail boat. Give me a break.

  3. Mom n dad u need to be Arrested.

  4. A puppet being played by the puppet master.

  5. There's a shocker.

  6. Just another family serving the wrong god, which is the god of greed. All well planned out. I wonder how many will be scammed into buying their book.

  7. Foot up her ... Would've been proper prescription

  8. An intricate plan by parents looking to make a buck. Now Mom is writing a book. SMH

  9. She’s a school shooter in training

  10. So, we have know-nothings in Hollywood AND in Congress trying to educate us country bumpkins in matters science.

    To the best of my belief, this 'climate-change' hysteria is at best based on junk-science. Thinking that mankind can alter a planet's weather/climate in ANY direction is just arrogance and over-inflated egos.

    Now, time for a shower.

  11. She's obsessed, no doubt.

  12. Exorcism should work

  13. 11

    Greta is certainly compromised and that is why she was chosen by intelligence for the Psyop. They could easily control her with medication. She is a medically compromised intelligence asset for the globalists who want to tax humanity’s use of energy. They consider themselves to be superior genetically and so goyim can pay to use energy. Leeches. Vulchers. Parasites. The elite families.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Perfect role model for today’s youth. L

  15. Can you say Dysfunctional family kids.

  16. Global warning princess is probably frigid.

  17. This brat needs sit on the naughty bench. Better yet, her parents need a big ole time out and I will start right now..........here we go..........10.....9.....8.....7......6......5.....4.......3.....2....1......Now there you still stand looking disrespectful. No new iphone for you. And you can only be on the computer 12 hours a day. Now, maybe you will learn you a lesson.


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