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Sunday, March 22, 2020


San Francisco is going the way of Italy with its coronavirus safety measures -- the Mayor's instituting around-the-clock curfew, banning almost everyone from leaving their homes.

Mayor London Breed announced what she calls a "defining moment" in U.S. response to the pandemic. Beginning at 12 AM, all residents within the city can only leave home for doctor's appointments or runs to the grocery store.

It's the strictest new policy enacted in the nation, and matches the current rules in Italy ... which has been the 2nd hardest-hit country in the world.



  1. Can they still do drugs outside and poop in the streets?

    Asking for a friend,,

  2. Ban people from leaving their homes? THAT is the sidewalk.

  3. I imagine there is some wording in there about the homeless population being able to crawl out of their cardboard tents to go crap on the street, then???

  4. Do this here! Keep me from working and paying my bills and feeding my family, by God you'll be the first one I put a bullet in.

  5. Ok it has to be said.

    Michelle Obama said "hey guys, lets make sure when are kids are in school that they eat right and get some exercise". You guys screamed that Queen Michelle was trying to dictate how you raised your kids.

    Barak Obama won the election on the promise of working to fix healthcare, a topic that was near and dear to americans. You guys screamed this was an attempt at a evil socialist takeover

    Now, when you essentially have free americans being compelled to house arrest by the federal government, I hear nothing but crickets.....

    1. Your claim isn't wholly accurate. In fact, not even slightly. There has been much fuss about the restricted liberties resultant of this virus some have given end of days fear to. Several folks have expressed their discontent about it right here on this very blog. Stop looking for the convenience of angling your poking of the bear. Sounds like you very much were a supporter of the Obama's and still very hurt they had to go; it's going to be ok.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 10:58 but the executive orders creating virtual dictatorships are being issued by Pedomarxist socialist democrat mayors and governors.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 10:58 but the executive orders creating virtual dictatorships are being issued by Pedomarxist socialist democrat mayors and governors.

  8. Look, China and Korea have done NOTHING about this bioweapon release in their Countries. They know there is NOTHING they can do or say without a much more drastic attack forthcoming from the US Military.

    This is the checkmate the US / Israel has been planning. No way to combat this attack. Lick your wounds and move on.

    Americans are the last to deal with it because it provides a good cover for the attack. Plausible deniability. Let’s hope the Military gives us the proper lower dose and makes no mistakes. The US will claim their advance closings will save the day.

    I suggest you cover your head while outdoors for the next 2 weeks.

  9. That would be Big Mike and Queen Mike to you. 10:58

    Apparently you haven't seen the package flop videos.

  10. What about the homeless? Stay in the tent?

  11. This is a smart move. The entire country should do the same.

    1. I sincerely hope that was sarcasm.

  12. Boy is the Sh** going to pile up on the streets. No one will be out cleaning it up oh well it looks like Pelosi and her followers ideas, all shi*!

  13. San Fransico was a bio hazard long before the Wu Flu

  14. PooVille should be cleaning their streets

  15. Woodsman - hope all is well with you on the NW side!

    TGIF guy!

  16. 4:29 Pelosi is full of it! She is so full of it she even serves it to her fellow Democrat politicians.

  17. Keep that whole Sanctuary state on Lockdown !!!

    Full of Demon-crats !!!


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