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Sunday, March 22, 2020

85 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Maryland 3-18-2020

Affected Counties


  1. Close the bridges on all sides.

    1. Ummm....we need the bridge open for trucks to deliver to the grocery stores, etc. Good idea in theory though 😉

    2. There are also people needing to get to hospitals in Baltimore for urgent medical care.

  2. 12:33-then let the trucks through like we’re doing with Canada.

  3. Nice to be last for a change!

  4. 85 out of how many millions. Does anyone else out there think this is all a bunch of Bull????? As Monty Python said "Bring Out Your Dead"

  5. Thank you for posting this news event. It is most informative. Could you please update ti as it changes. Thank you wise one.

  6. This is becoming ridiculous. We are giving up a booming economy and hiding in our homes. If you are over 70 stay home. Everyone else should keep calm and carry on.

  7. https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/

    1:39 pm - add the link to your desktop and check it whenever you want...

  8. What is the state of Maryland doing to ensure the state employees in the correctional settings remain safe. The answer is nothing. We as staff are exposed to virus and germs constantly and will be bringing the conovirrus in the community to our families ... explain this Walter West warden ... you don’t value your staff at all..

  9. Hey Secretary Green from dpscs you don’t give a dam about Doc staff. You lie and the eci admin lie too. Bring us back and there will be real issues with the safety of inmates and the community.

  10. I don't believe this is accurate. I find it very hard to believe that the Eastern Shore only has 1 confirmed case--or is it because we don't have testing kits on the shore?

    1. Its not true. There are more cases. They a fudging the numbers like they do for the crime stats in Wicomico County

  11. We have cases at eci now

  12. It is on the shore. If you think it is not you are kidding yourself. Test take 5 days to come back. There our cases at every hospital on. The shore that the people have all the symptoms but no test results back yet.

  13. Can’t confirm but did hear a truck driver for Sysco tested positive yesterday, he also delivered to the northern Delaware area, southern Sussex too

  14. I heard there is a blizzard crossing the United States. Is there no other news but the virus,?

  15. Impossible to get the test. It’s here.


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