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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Professors Worry Their Bias Will Be Exposed by Online Classes

Professors are now worried that the political bias they bring to the classroom will be easily recorded and exposed to the public now that their courses have been moved online due to the Wuhan coronavirus.

“The coronavirus-prompted shift to remote teaching was stressful enough for faculty members before Charlie Kirk weaponized online learning,” reported the Chronicle of Higher Education on Tuesday, noting a recent tweet by the Turning Point USA (TPUSA) founder calling on students to share videos of their professors’ “blatant indoctrination.”

“To all college students who have their professors switching to online classes: Please share any and ALL videos of blatant indoctrination with [TPUSA],” tweeted Kirk on Sunday, including his organization’s contact information.

“Now is the time to document & expose the radicalism that has been infecting our schools,” added the TPUSA founder. “Transparency!”

Kirk’s call to action has caused some faculty members “to be worried,” according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, which added that some professors have said that they are taking precautions.



  1. They have already been exposed. And these people are academia?

  2. Awesome, this should be exposed

  3. There isn’t anything to worry about if they are doing what they are supposed to. If the professors are indoctrinating then they should be called out

  4. Best thing is for their bias to be exposed!
    We don't want bias taught to our children in the first place!
    We want our children to learn without bias...and make their own decisions!

    Maybe this will help end the indoctrination programs in our school systems!

  5. How about some transparency in the "racist graffiti" case at SU? I'm asking all concerned SBY news readers and citizens with a conscience to bombard the office of the president with emails and phone calls. Why has the perp not been identified and prosecuted?

  6. I was an older college student, and sometimes even older and more experienced in the real world than my liberal professors. I would never pass on a opportunity to challenge their liberal views and "theories" in the classrooms. I made the professors defend or explain their views with my questions. Many times they had to admit there was an opposing view or theory to the one they were "teaching." Being older, I wouldn't allow them to intimidate me or block the students from hearing another view of the subject. I graduated with a 3.61 GPA, so they respected my views, while presenting theirs. The students in my classes were less indoctrinated than many others. Young students ARE intimidated by their professors and accept much of what they are taught as gospel. A few are already smart enough to question what their professors are telling them.

  7. Get rid of "tenure" and then they will have to teach truth and honesty. If they don't they will be fired and not have the luxury of a job / money forever no matter what they teach.

  8. Administrators are as much to blame, as well as wealthy donors.

  9. Its pretty pathetic if you believe that a student sitting in a college class for ~2 to 3 hours a week will "indoctrinate" them. Most of the indoctrination is done by mass media and peers. Most students are also aware that if you have a crazed professor you just say things they like to pass the class, and very few are invested to begin with. Ultimately this problem of educational "indoctrination" is because of lazy "conservative" parents who do little to equip their children with proper critical thinking skills to address liberal professors, who yes of course exist. And what have Republicans done to address the liberal bias in academia? The GOP has controlled state legislatures in many states for decades. Did they ever attempt to defund or actually solve the issue in a productive way? Did conservatives ever think that they need to control these institutions by being in them? No.

    Frankly the constant complaining and victim mentality from conservatives is exhausting. If we want to win we need to get smarter about these things. The attitude is as like if during WWII instead of fighting Japan or Germany America just sat by and said "Can you believe they're attacking us??"

  10. Gosh, we might be exposed as Stupid Sh00ts! Gosh darn!

  11. March 28, 2020 at 1:22 PM:

    You sound like someone who has never sat in one of those college classes, otherwise you wouldn't make the baseless claims that you do. You are "projecting" your liberal bias in your comments. Quite amazing actually. Blaming conservatives for not stopping the liberal bias from professors. So, liberal professors are the conservatives fault? And Maryland has NEVER been a RED state. You have thought yourself right into baseless comment. I don't think you know what you're trying to say. Critical thinking skills are not your forte. You should try a simpler subject.


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