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Saturday, March 28, 2020

New York Times Blames Evangelical Christians for Coronavirus

The New York Times published an op-ed Friday that blamed evangelical Christians for the coronavirus pandemic.

The argument, by journalist and author Katherine Stewart, is that because religious voters supported Trump, that means he governs without regard for science.

Stewart also claims that Republicans, more than Democrats, are likely to deny science.

More here


  1. All the nuts and Trump haters coming out of the woodwork. Vote Trump 2020 and God Bless America.

  2. I had a thesis, did a scientific study and after much data testing, my findings were that Dems and those in the media are complete and total losers in 97.38% of the testing. They have more negative effect on the public than the Chy-na Virus. Results also showed that any time with them may be fatal as well - (footnote to Clinton Body Count)

  3. Scientist are only human. But, GOD rules the universe. Who are you going to believe and trust, humans or God who created it all. Just recently there was an article about scientist saying 3 billion years ago there were no continent's and the entire earth was covered with water. All they had to do is pick up the bible Gen 1:2. Read it. Have a blessed day.

    1. Strong case of dunning/krueger.

  4. WOW..TDS is full blown with that guy

  5. She said no such thing, go read the article. She pointed out the facts, and how they have made the problem worse... but NO WHERE did she blame Coronavirus on Christians. The virus was coming to the states no matter what. The distrust of science and the failure to act or acknowledge quickly by Trump made it worse. These are irrefutable facts.

    There was a preacher who called this whole thing a Democrat hoax, now that poor man is dead of the virus. Do you need any other evidence than that?

    Now is not the time for division. We need to follow the facts, and what science predicts. Feel free to pray along the way if it comforts you... but leave the decision making up to the experts.

  6. As long as the New York Times is published we'll never run out of toilet paper

  7. Pelosi responsible ......

  8. Democrats are more likely to deny common sense!

  9. When I was growing up, my dad and I used to deliver the Sunday edition of the Baltimore Sun in Worcester County. Usually it was a big fat edition full of nothing, and worse during holiday sales. We always used to say people were buying it because it was cheaper than toilet paper. Then the price went up and up and up. Today, it's probably cheaper than TP again.

  10. I am afraid this virus is non denominationally opportunist. It's your flesh not your faith it's after.

  11. College level Democrat educators hold the record for falsifying data and performing research hoaxes.

  12. Excellent article.

  13. Unless it’s about genders then science doesn’t apply just feelings.

  14. The problem with the media is they leave out facts to make the story they want yout hear not what actually happened.


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