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Monday, March 16, 2020

Pompous Democrat Lawyer Who Tried and Failed to Impeach Trump Tests Positive for Coronavirus – Then Blames Trump

Democrat lawyer Daniel Goldman announced on Sunday he has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Goldman tried and failed miserably to impeach President Trump while the coronavirus was spreading in China.

Maybe Democrats shouldn’t have been wasting their time with a sham impeachment when they should have focused on the real issues?



  1. The Corona virus is mainly spread by TDS...

  2. Not being able to get the test has nothing to do with treatment. There is no treatment for this disease other than aspirin or tylenol for fever, something for the cough & aches & pains. If you know the symptoms, recognize that you have the virus & pull u[p your big girl panties & deal with it.

    1. Aspirin will increase bleeding in lungs. Worst advice I’ve heard yet. Congrats.

    2. 5:09 Just read on article on this and you are right. There is also a connection between some of the younger people that have passed away from the virus and using NSAIDs (Advil, aleve, Motrin) to treat the fever associated with Covid-19.


  3. Goldman previously tested Positive for an incurable form of S*&t for Brains. Lawyer George Conway has the same diagnosis.

  4. A bad case of the dumbass is worse than coronavirus.

  5. A bad case of the dumbass has spread to half the country.

  6. Can't these people be sued for defamation and the like?

  7. The virus was started by House Democrats to get rid of Trump

  8. Pelosi just released it after Trump beat the rap !!!


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