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Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus Closures: Gov. Wolf Says ‘Please Stay Home,’ Orders Statewide Shutdown Of All Nonessential Businesses

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP/KDKA) — Gov. Tom Wolf has extended a shutdown order to the entire state of Pennsylvania in an effort to halt the spread of the Coronavirus.

Gov. Wolf has already called for nonessential government offices to close and nonessential business activity to end in four heavily-populated southeastern Pennsylvania counties. His office said Monday he will extend that order to the rest of the state.

“I would like people to stay home 24 hours a day,” Gov. Wolf said. “We need to eliminate as many physical contacts as we can to further prevent this strain of COVID-19, and we each need to work together to do this.”



  1. Not much left to do out there. I just came back from Walmart and it looked like the Italians got there before I. No pasta, no tomato based products. The one thing I could find was a red pepper which I put back because I don't know of any single ingredient red pepper recipes. Everybody in MD is closing and It looks like DE bars and restaurants are shift to curbside carryouts.

    1. At your age you should not be going out. Please be careful

  2. Maryland will be next to do this by the end of the week

  3. Strip clubs are declared ESSENTIAL !!!!

  4. Soon ALL will be shut down & remain Home !!!

  5. Send me home, PLEASE! I will collect government money until I retire. I'll just call it early retirement. I'm ready.


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