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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pelosi: House Will Have ‘At Least 24 Hours’ to Review Senate Coronavirus Bill

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, “Well, when we see that the bill has passed the Senate, our distinguished Majority Leader, Mr. Hoyer, will give 24 hours notice, at least 24 hours notice to our members that the bill will be on the floor and that we can show them actually what the bill is so they know what they’re voting on and they can review it.”



  1. I didn't know she could read.

  2. After seeing the abuse of the American taxpayer in this bill, I hope that the President vetoes it. Make his own bill and demand that no crap be added.

  3. 1042 what don't you understand. The Senate, led by the GOP, worked directly with Trump's White House to craft this bill. It is Trump's bill just as much as the Senate's.

    1. It is a give and take negotiations between the (Democratic) House and the (Republican) Senate. House makes the rules, Senate approves and forwards to the President for signature or veto. Nancy started out with an insane House bill after both the House and Senate worked on an agreeable Bill. Long story short - Nancy was bluffing - she actually wanted more taxpayers money for unemployment benefits. Once again Nancy has caused hate and discontent. You can't blame Trump all the time. He had to give a little to try and get this Bill passed. Give our President some credit for looking out for Americans - Nancy isn't.

  4. Republicans caved again to the Democrats and allowed more tax dollars for Democrat pork barrel spending. Trump needs to veto this trash and not sign until these pork is taken out.

  5. The largest spending package n the United States history. Yep ,..24 hours is just peachy..

  6. I hope the president vetos this bill

  7. 1110, my guess is that you have not reviewed the actual text of the bill. You're simply repeating whatever you heard on Hannity last night.

  8. I thought you had to pass it to know what's in it!?

  9. I thought you had to pass the bill to see what's in the bill, Nancy?

  10. Why can't they publish what is in it that the Democrats want to be signed so the people can see actually if passed what will happen or make a comment if something is in there that should not be?????

  11. Takes her that long to find her glasses.

  12. How come it is working Backwards ?? The house should have began the
    bill , then pass it to the senate, Not the other way around !!! Dugh

  13. More STALLING !!! Here we go again More PORK ideas !!!
    More SLUSH !!!

  14. Remember Pelosi,we have to pass it before we find out what's in it. So now it's we have to know what's in it before we vote for it. Typical lying Democrat one and all.


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