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Thursday, March 26, 2020

OMG, You Have To See This!


  1. Good for him calling it out

  2. Damn right! That was passion for the people.

  3. Yes, old news. He’s pimping for a seat on the Florida House of Delegates. This is all show and it worked. He went from 400 followers on Twitter to over 200,000. Shame on that showboat!

  4. Whether he was showboating or not his actions supported and helped the people of that area. He may have took advantage of a situation where morally and ethically he is absolutely right, you say Shame on that Showboat!, I say Kudos to a Genius for finding an opportunity to showboat and when it benefits others than himself!

  5. seen it, but why do you people even care or comment??? You all are the ones who vote for these kinds of people and let them do as they please then when they do something you don't like or not right or moral, you want to complain but keep voting for them and keep letting do what it is you are complaining about, why????

  6. This why people go into public service a passion for the community and good governance. Just be careful you don't turn into her. It happens so quickly.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Whether he was showboating or not his actions supported and helped the people of that area. He may have took advantage of a situation where morally and ethically he is absolutely right, you say Shame on that Showboat!, I say Kudos to a Genius for finding an opportunity to showboat and when it benefits others than himself!

    March 26, 2020 at 12:17 PM

    Typical Libtard like you looking for opportunities!

  8. These people were going to get their electric turned off anyway for nonpayment because this happened before the shutdowns and stay at home orders. The Hell with this lazy a$$ people who refuse to pay their bills. If this was a month from now and these people had lost their jobs and not getting paid I would sympathize with them but knowing that wasn't the case. Screw you lazy liberal morons! Pay your damn bills!!

  9. Anonymous said...
    This why people go into public service a passion for the community and good governance. Just be careful you don't turn into her. It happens so quickly.

    March 26, 2020 at 1:35 PM

    That was not passion, quit being an idiot!! Stupid Liberal moron!

  10. All you morons are doing is entitling the jerks that want to live off a Socialist America.

  11. You know what I say to people who don't pay their bills?? Get a second job like I have.


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