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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

One On One 740 Mayor Jake Day


  1. Biggest tool in the shed.

  2. No joke, I heard that idiot on the radio state we need to link arms and hold hands to get through this. Not only is that nonsensical bologna in hyperbole, but at the same time, literally moronic.

  3. There is such a thing as proactive social media and Jake has got that down but really? He is not that important for all the press conferences and interviews and such...can I say one word " whore".

  4. My dyslexia must be acting up, when I first read the headline I thought it said One on One Major Joke Day.

  5. Worried about vulnerable kids?
    Please, Jake....have this conversation with your wife who exploited vulnerable kids in our community.....and this had NOTHING to do with COVID19....what say you, dear Mayor?????....you have NO credibility!!!!!!

  6. Worried about vulnerable kids?
    Please, Jake....have this conversation with your wife who exploited vulnerable kids in our community.....and this had NOTHING to do with COVID19....what say you, dear Mayor?????....you have NO credibility!!!!!!

  7. does anyone really even listen to this fool let alone pay him any attention?

  8. Truly not worthy of any more attention. Ignore him just like MSDNC and the Comedy News Network Is it fun to rip him a new one? At first yes, but now it's boring and no longer healthy. Just like Hildabeast it was fun at first but no longer healthy.

    Keep America Great!

    1. @9:04 your statement is 100% correct but there's something in me and about day that just can't succumb to leaving him alone. It's REALLY time we form some sort of group to start calling Jake Day and his Sh** stirring, racist Entourage. How can Jake be left alone to orchestrate this racial division that's becoming salisbury

    2. I'd be interested in meeting up once a week to orchestrate some sort of plan to start confronting Day and the likes of Kirkland Hall, O'Hare, the fake pastor yamakawa (sp?). You can't just continue to let them run rampant on the city with NO resistance any longer

  9. He really likes to hear himself talk.

  10. He just loves the title and acting important, like a child

  11. Between all the hand movements, the uhhhhhs and ummmmms....

  12. Let me guess another press conference tomorrow for the daily LOL. What a douche.

  13. This idiot really believes he has a future in Maryland politics

  14. Let me give you a real comparison of a real man and great human being and friend that ran against Jake Day in the election. Wayne King contacted my husband and myself yesterday to see if we had any prescriptions we needed picked up or could give him a list of food items we might need as he was going out for himself. This is a real wonderful human being that really cares about people. I in a small measure helped in his campaign and supported him but not many would reach out in this way, if and when Jake is removed from office due to the circumstances with his wife and his own many short comings keep Wayne King in your prayers and thoughts.

  15. Wife abuser.....child abuser JD


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