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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

New York coronavirus ‘curve is actually increasing,’ state may need 140K hospital beds, Cuomo warns

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a sobering warning to residents on Tuesday as he said that the coronavirus curve hasn’t been “flattened,” and “is actually increasing.” He then cautioned that the apex of the virus could be as many as 14 to 21 days away.

“We projected an apex at 100,000 hospital beds needed, the new projection suggests as high as 140,000 hospital beds will be needed,” he said, adding that New York has 25,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Cuomo called for ventilators to be sent to the state, as the region is dealing with 10 times more cases than New Jersey, which has the second-highest number of cases in the U.S., followed closely by Washington and California.



  1. Should shut down subway altogether.

  2. New York and their politicians bark at the rest of us and President Trump any other time. The good people of New York I have sympathy for. The rest, I'll just shrug my shoulders...

  3. 10k a day average UNTIL THIS MORNING 285 cases. Massive drop off nobody is talking about. Nyc only saw 85 new case in 24 hours.

    1. I took notice of that as well. I (we) hope that is the truth, or are the numbers being hidden? That is an extreme difference.

  4. New York state and California were the largest electoral contributors to hillary's presidential campaign. Now karma has come to bite them in the ass. Cuomo needs to beg for help from Trump a little longer.

  5. The way this fool rails against President Trump for not acting fast, does he think his delay in closing schools merits a pat on the back? He contributed to the spread of the virus.
    If I was Trump I'd tell him to go F himself!
    This sanctuary state can now be a sanctuary for the virus! Stinking idiot Liberals are getting just what the deserve!

    1. Their are a lot of good people that also live there. Show a little compassion at this time, understand that someone reading this could be losing a loved one that lives there. We will all get through this, keep hope, keep Faith.

    2. Good comment except we will not all get through this. As you pointed out.

      Thank you

  6. NYC responsible for 60% of US cases, and now is spreading it to the other states by people getting out of the city. Maybe the city and the state will re-think their sanctuary city and state policy now that the illegals are taking hospital beds and respirators away from NY citizens. And the mayor continues to cry on national TV and tries to blame everyone else for his city's woes.

  7. Sitting there watching Curves all day , needs to get off his ass
    & get something done himself !!! He gets Too much air time on
    Fox News !!!!
    He just sits there making demands of Trump & Feds all day !!!!

  8. Governor Cuomo says he is proud that 50% of New York city residents are non-citizens and live in a sanctuary state.

    So thousands actual American citizens will not have ventilators because illegals are using them.

  9. Why doesn't he talk about what is being accomplished instead of complaining. What happened to our brave heroic 911 people who showed their loyalty to New York - Oh yes, alot of New Yorkers dislike police and first responders. Close off NY like OC and OBX.

  10. This needs to be FIXED !!! ONLY Americans First !! Deport the rest !!!

  11. Arrest Cuomo if he lets ANY Illegals get OUR American Benefits !!!!

  12. Feds need to tell Cuomo , Don't expect Anything if he gives it to ILLEGALS !

  13. You folks are brutal and inhumane


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