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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Democrats: Placing Politics Over People


  1. I am a independent voter as of right now I will never vote for a democrat again!

  2. Pelosi is hard to look at, without my fingers around her throat right now.

  3. Awesome, thank you 919. You are definitely not a sheeple


  4. The Dems threatened to impeach POTUS of a quid pro quo with Ukraine.... now the same Dems are threatening to withhold aid the American citizen s that they are paid to represent unless they get a bonus and money for their personal agenda?

  5. I would like to see all the Dems in Wicomico County change to the Independent or Republican Party. From the very beginning of the Democrat Party they have been nothing but a purely evil party. Just look at their history.

  6. They always have Put themselves FIRST over America !!!

    Something has to be done to get their Leftist / Communist asses OUT of Govt power positions !!!! 2020 NOW !!!!

  7. I know a lot of Democrats and I keep telling them they should take a hard look at the Democrat agenda and it should change their minds. Maybe this will open their eyes and they will see the Democrats donot care if you die a gruesome death as long as you vote for them on your dyeing bed.

  8. Democrats = America Enemy # 1

  9. I do believe the real reason Democrats are so determined to take control of our Nation is because it is all about the 💰. They are wealthy only because of their positions in Congress. They need this flow of cash to continue from all sorts of wealthy people who benefit from the laws they make and enforce. Trump knows that and that's why they are Trump haters. Money does strange things to people especially Democrats because it is also power.


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