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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Maxine Waters: ‘I Don’t Know’ if Biden Can Beat Trump

House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Tuesday punted when asked whether she believes former Vice President Joe Biden (D) could defeat President Donald Trump in a general election contest.

“I don’t know, but we’ll see,” Waters replied when asked by Just the News senior correspondent Nicholas Ballasy if Biden, 77, has what it takes to win in November.

Waters noted that while she has not publically announced her support for Biden or his Democrat presidential primary rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), it’s paramount that the nominee is able to unseat the president. “It’s not about who you like,” the California Democrat explained. “It’s about now watching and understanding who can beat Trump.”

Waters was then asked about Biden’s frequent gaffes on the campaign trail and whether his mental acuity is a cause of concern.



  1. It's the first honest words she has spoken since Trump became president.

  2. One of the first things close to an intelligent statement that I have ever heard from that POS!

  3. Why is this horse face talking?

  4. He can barely complete a full sentence... and he is the hope of the democrats...

  5. Maxine get a life Biden nor Sanders can beat Trump not even if they were on the same ticket. All the kings men and king's horses cannot put Humpty Dumpty back again. Get a clue Maxine.

  6. Not in a fair fight, but we know how the DEMS cheat, they will buy the debate questions for the emptyheaded idiot and have a ear speaker hooked up to give him answers!


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