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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Four Illinois sheriffs sue to strike down Illinois law allowing release of non-citizen felons

Four county sheriffs have sued the state of Illinois in federal court seeking to strike down a state law they said puts communities in danger.

The Illinois TRUST Act, enacted in 2017, was the reason given by the Illinois Department of Corrections when the Illinois Sheriffs' Association and several county sheriffs from around the state revealed the state’s prisons were no longer notifying local sheriffs about the release of felons who were not U.S. citizens upon completion of their sentence.

Last month, Kankakee County Sheriff Mike Downey said law enforcement officials were notified Jan. 30 by IDOC they had canceled pickups of non-citizens upon release from prisons. Downey said Kankakee contracted with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2018 to facilitate the transfer of convicted felon non-citizens being released from Illinois prisons to ICE custody.



  1. Seem to me all of these sanctuary locations are aiding and abbedding criminals. Charge the polititions accordingly.

  2. Sheriff Shawty Lewis would talk $hit and then not show up like he did with the guys pushing for Wicomico County to become and 2A Sanctuary County.

    Does anyone know why Sheriff Shawty didn't show up to the last County Council meeting to support the 2A guys like he made them think he would?

    1. FIRE LEWIS....just a little man with a chip on his little shouldersMarch 12, 2020 at 2:55 AM

      He was taking Selfies of himself for Facebook likes


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