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Monday, March 23, 2020

Levin: 'People are sick and dying and Pelosi is playing games'

"Life, Liberty & Levin" host Mark Levin accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., of "exploiting this crisis to advance her radical agenda," after she announced Sunday that Democrats would be introducing their own stimulus bill to address the ongoing economic collapse amid the coronavirus -- all while the Republican-controlled Senate considered its own legislation.

"1. Pelosi’s poisonous politics feeds the Wuhan virus. She’s exploiting this crisis to advance her radical agenda. She must be exposed and condemned for the diabolical huckster that she is," Levin wrote on Twitter, referencing the city in China where the virus originated.

"2. People are sick and dying and Pelosi is playing games. Apparently the TRILLIONS the Republicans want to spend isn’t enough," he added. "Sickening."

Pelosi's announcement, which came as the House returned from its weeklong recess, frustrated many Senate Republicans who have worked through their planned recess this week to craft the urgent economic-relief legislation.

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  1. News will not cover it so the lemmings will never know. Sad, just sad!

  2. Just like 911 tyring to inject as much erasure of freedoms and dependency on big brother into any bills ..never trust these lying decetive scum like pelosi.

  3. Why do you idiots continue to believe this nonsense without doing an oz. of homework yourself. It's total upside down world now. The same folks who baulked at the Obama stimulus during a global recession because of the debt load and the "socialism", are the same ones now cheering a "Trump stiumulus" that does the same thing. Not to mention the corporate boondoggle of $500B. If you haven't taken the time to address the content of the legislation or the opposing views, do us all a favor and sit this debate out.

    1. 1:21 you remember when Obama gave Iran, a terrorist country, 150 Billion? That’s why we were pissed, because of things like that. I shouldn’t have to explain this to a liberal genius, but businesses do not run for free and have a secret money tree outback to pay employees and keep the business up. These corporate businesses you speak of employ millions of Americans. so, if we don’t help the corporate stay afloat then millions of people are out of jobs. So stop with the typical trump hating and saying he’s just helping the rich because it’s to keep a good economy and keep businesses going so the world can keep going. That’s how this all works, it’s not some unicorn fantasy land where the cash just flows and everything is free and everybody gets rich. This is to help America, our own people and not a terrorist country that hates our guts. For once we have a president who loves his country and loves his people. Notice all your big time Democrat’s are worth millions and millions while having a 150k a year job? How does that happen ? Start with Pelosi, worth 120 million and makes 200k a year. That don’t add up. Think about if she’s the one who cares about the people and get back to me. Otherwise, ya might wanna sit this one out!!!!

    2. Thank you 3:04

  4. Worthless Democrats , as in the last 3 years , Stalling & doing
    all they can to Block America & Republicans from getting anything done !!!

    FIRE ALL their damn asses 2020 at Long last !!!!
    2 Term Limits for ALL are a Must , beginning 2020 !!!

    America's Worse Enemy is Not China or Russia , it IS the
    Democrat Party in America !!!! Time for Party OVER !!!!

  5. I never thought she could be so evil. To me, it seems she turned to the dark side after dealing with AOC and group we must not ever let Democrats run this country.

  6. Ohio stopped abortions setting off Democrats into a frenzy!

  7. Pelosi’s new bill has tax credits for green energy,abortion funding,union pension guarantees and more pet democrat issues,that’s holding up the funding bill.

  8. Maybe Her & her bunch will get it !!!


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