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Monday, March 23, 2020

House Coronavirus Bill Extends Work Permits for Indian, Chinese Visa Workers

The House coronavirus spending bill allows roughly 500,000 college graduate visa-workers from China, India, and elsewhere to stay in their U.S. jobs, regardless of job losses by American graduates in the economic meltdown, according to a lobby group for H-1B workers.

The measure would prevent U.S. graduates from getting hundreds of thousands of college-grade jobs as the foreign workers’ visas expire — despite the colossal job losses being caused by China’s Wuhan virus.

The rule would even allow foreign H-1B workers who are fired to stay and compete for any jobs that come open during the epidemic.

“We have been working behind the scenes to address the immediate concerns of a lot of immigrants,” claimed the Facebook post by Immigration Voice, which was posted around 5:00 PM EST.



  1. THIS posting has a RACIST title!!!

    House Coronavirus Bill Extends Work Permits for Indian, Chinese Visa Workers

    Why must it single out Indian and Chinese workers? Disgraceful!

  2. The US Government is operated for profit by globalists. They have no loyalty to any Country except Israel. Otherwise they see Goyim as cattle or animals.

  3. We should be taking care of our own first, once again the democrats are working against Americans

    1. When have they ever worked FOR Americans?

  4. Who are these globalists?

  5. 4:31 PM....is either very ignorant and clueless or thinks their very smart to try and deflect the fact that the democrat portion of congress isnt at all concerned about american families and their jobs, but instead only concerned about the big benefits and large sums of money they get paid by foreign lobbyist for pushing this agenda. It really is telling.

  6. Democrats putting Americans last! Most immigrants do very well in this country compared to where they came from. But Democrats gotta pander so they don’t lose voters.

  7. Just more time for them to steal intellectual property and send it home.


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