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Monday, March 30, 2020

He caught COVID-19 on a cruise ship.

His family said goodbye over speakerphone.

They told him they loved him, and they thanked him for being a great husband, father and grandfather. Then they waited for COVID-19 to shut down down the rest of Tom Sheehan’s organs. On Saturday, he died at Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

Sheehan is one of the more than 50 Floridians who’ve died after catching the novel coronavirus, a count expected to climb steeply in the coming weeks.


Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article241556006.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Wow - very sad. Don't get me wrong but communications on a cruise ship is very good. Every TV had reports of Italy, China and the virus before March 20. Wow what was Carnaval thinking -- allowing operations to go on. Why did a couple have to ask in writing to get off the ship. You can leave at any port - don't need the Captain's approval. I am truly sorry this happened to such a young man.

  2. Why in the world anyone would go on a cruise is beyond me.


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