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Friday, March 20, 2020

Hayward: It’s Time to Quarantine the Chinese Communist Party

As nations across the world struggle to contain the Wuhan coronavirus, they should realize it is also long past time to quarantine the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The people of China must understand that their future under the Communist Party is as outcasts, lepers, pariahs – isolated and quarantined by the civilized world. If that is not the future they want, the time to rise up and overthrow the Communists is now.

The future of China is warehouses stuffed full of rotting and decaying goods no one will buy, accounts filled with money they can’t spend, travel instantly blocked at the first sign of pandemic because that’s the only responsible way for the world to handle the Communist Party.

The early days of the Wuhan outbreak provide a deadly and unforgettable lesson that the Communists cannot be trusted to do anything except protect their own political and financial interests.

More here


  1. It is time for greedy politicians ans companies to break away from the Reds. This has been akin to the Roman Empire filling their armies and economy with the Barbarians who later conquered them.

  2. i think it makes perfect sense to rely on your adversary for %80-%90 of everything you need to survive, what`s the worst that could happen? (eye roll)

  3. Time to INVESTIGATE China & What Really Happened !!!


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