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Friday, March 20, 2020

Deputies find 18,000 pounds of toilet paper in stolen tractor-trailer truck in North Carolina

WHITSETT, N.C. —Deputies with the Guilford County Sheriff's Office discovered 18,000 pounds of toilet paper in a stolen tractor-trailer truck during a traffic stop Wednesday.

Sheriff Danny Rogers said deputies initiated a traffic investigation involving the 18-wheeler along Interstate 40 in Whitsett after a motor vehicle law violation.

Investigators said they followed the vehicle to a warehouse/dock facility a short distance off of the interstate and encountered the



  1. Used to be Cigarets > Now Toilet paper !!!

    Is it Legal across state lines ?? LOL

  2. Roll of toilet paper goes for 50.00 on the black market now

  3. We could have wrapped every tree in North America on Halloween night.

  4. 7:23 you are DUMB. lol

  5. It's the New " WHITE GOLD " !!!!

    Worth more than Food apparently , since it was the First thing

    people Bought Up in the Big Crisis !!!! & Still is the # 1 item !!

    So scared they can't wipe their butt in America instead of eating

  6. Another truck probably went by with 18,000 pounds of Female
    Pads & Tamp-ons !!!! Alert Alert Alert


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