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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fauci: Italy "Hit Very Badly" By COVID-19 Due To Prevalence Of Chinese Tourists

Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, said Thursday that Italy has been impacted particularly badly by the coronavirus pandemic because the country hosted a high number of Chinese tourists in recent months.

“When you look at the different patterns of what happened in different countries, China versus South Korea versus what we’re seeing in northern Italy, it really gives you some interesting insight into certain things, not only in the explosive nature in certain places versus others, but as you get to your peak, how do you know when you’re turning the corner,” Fauci said on CNN.

“It’s when the new infections each day start to level off to be the same and then start going down, then you see the curve go down,” Fauci said, adding that Italy is “not there yet.”



  1. This means the US won't be there (downward trajectory) for at least 2 more months.

  2. They need to close both bridges on each end of the shore, and the Delaware line on the other side. Only let necessities in and out.

  3. No one is going to help the shore ,they don't like us

  4. Kick them the Hell OUT Finally !!!!


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