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Saturday, March 28, 2020

America soars past 100,000 coronavirus cases as NYC fights 'catastrophe': One New Yorker dies every 17 minutes and 911 calls hit historic highs amid fears hospitals could collapse in nine days as the Big Apple's death toll hits 450

The number of coronavirus cases in the United States has soared past 100,000 cases, and the situation in New York City has become increasingly dire as cases continue to explode, with the healthcare system threatened with imminent collapse.

Across the city, sirens wailed late into the night Friday as ambulance crews raced through empty streets from one call to the next. Medical emergency calls were up 40 percent to about 6,500 a day, shattering historical records and leading to up to 170 callers being put on hold at a time, according to EMS union officials.

FDNY officials are strongly urging New Yorkers to call 911 only if they are having urgent emergencies, such as heart troubles or problems breathing. 'Please allow first responders to assist those most in need. Only call 911 if you need help right away,' the department said in a statement.

On both Thursday and Friday, another 85 people died of the virus here, or an average of one New Yorker every 17 minutes. The city's death toll is now 450, and there are 26,697 confirmed cases.



  1. At this rate cases and deaths from c-19 will easily pass the swine flu epidemic of 2009 here in the U.S. In half the time.
    It may be we will not see another event of most any kind in large scale until a vaccination is found, at least a year away without a miracle.
    China has more cases again. It's spreading like wildfire in the U.S. and now into southern Italy. So there seems to be no way to stop this at this point.
    And it appears no matter your age, you can get this virus, and bad. Just better chance of living if your younger.

  2. I wish they would stay out of my state trying to escape from theirs. Touching gas pumps,giving know respect to staying 6 foot apart in lines at the store.NEW YORK,NEW JERSEY,PENNSYLVANIA & CONNETICUT.
    Stop the spreading of the virus now.

    1. Which State do you live?
      I can’t avoid it I do y know it’s name.

  3. March 28, 2020 at 4:12 PM:

    Hey genius, did you just figure that out? The rest of us knew that months ago.


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