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Monday, March 23, 2020

'Ellen is one of the meanest people alive': Twitter users share hilarious ‘most insane real stories' about talk show host

Former employees and fans of Ellen DeGeneres have taken to Twitter to blast the renowned talk show host for her alleged 'mean' behavior.

Comedian Kevin T. Porter kicked the entire social media movement off on Friday, when he sent out a tweet urging people to message him 'the most insane stories [they've] heard' about DeGeneres in an effort to raise money for the Los Angeles Food Bank.

Shortly after posting, Porter was flooded with written accounts by various Twitter users who claimed to have had less than savory interactions with Ellen - who he labeled as 'notoriously one of the meanest people alive' - over the years.

'Right now we all need a little kindness. You know, like Ellen Degeneres always talks about!,' wrote Porter. '[And] I'll match every [story] w/ $2 to @LAFoodBank.'



  1. Unbelievable how a woman can amass a 500 million dollar fortune by playing her LGBT card and making a fool out herself doing whatever it is she calls dancing. ONLY in America

  2. I never really liked her show. Watched it once. Just couldn't get into her gay thing.

  3. Freaks cant deal with reality.she has been lied to deceived and hates herself deep down.

    1. At 9:26 p.m., I agree with you 100% People who are dysfunctional, mentally deranged, can in front of the public look well for a while but behind-the-scenes they are a mess.

  4. slow motion train wreck! only a matter of time until the insanity becomes to much for her! will eventually end up on the dust heap of hollyweird drooling in her lap!

  5. She's just not talented. Uses the gay card as a way to get ahead. Nothing against her. Just a lame personality.

  6. Rich BITCH !!! That's what $$$$$ does to you MOnster !!!

  7. Self-ish just like Oprah & O'Donnel & Woopie !!! SPOILED !!


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