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Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Traces Lingered in Vacated Cruise Cabins for 17 Days

Publishers Notes: If only our dipsh!t Governor educated himself he'd shut the state down before this gets completely out of control.

Traces of new coronavirus were found on surfaces in cruise-ship cabins for as many as 17 days after passengers left, researchers said, though it wasn’t possible to determine whether they caused any infections.

Researchers looked at the rooms of infected passengers aboard the Diamond Princess, both those who showed symptoms and those who didn’t, according to a study Monday in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

The ship, operated by Carnival Corp.’s Princess Cruises, had more than 700 coronavirus cases. It was quarantined for a time off of Yokohama, Japan, and was the largest outbreak outside of mainland China at one point.

A previous analysis found that the virus remained viable on plastic and stainless steel for up to three days, although levels fell dramatically over time. It was less stable on copper, where no viable virus was found after 4 hours, and cardboard, which was clean after 24 hours, according to the report in the New England Journal of Medicine.



  1. I work a job that starts at less than $13 an hour, less than $12 if you are one of the many temp workers. We are considered too essential to America to be sent home. That and someone has to pay for every waitress, bartender, teacher and barista to take a 2 week paid vacation.

  2. Cruise ships always have been candy coated tubs of filth and bacteria.

  3. Ha Ha Ha Good One 5:06 !!!


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