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Friday, March 27, 2020

Dr. Deborah Birx: Media Have ‘Frightened The American People’ With Salacious Coronavirus Numbers

Dr. Deborah Birx, who serves as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, said during a press conference on Wednesday that the media have “frightened the American people” with salacious reporting surrounding the coronavirus outbreak.

Birx’s remarks come after leftist talking heads like MSNBC’s Chris Hayes have claimed that the coronavirus could kill 1% of the U.S. population, which is over 3.2 million people.

“We have done some things that are horizontal across the country, but we are collecting data now in a county by county granular way. So, it’s like any epidemic, it’s not equal everywhere,” Birx said. “There are places that are very spared and places where there is more. We have a very vast country with a lot of capacity and a lot of infrastructure.”

“If you do these projections, when you got to those projections that said like in Germany and others that implied that 60% or 50% of the population would get infected, I want to be very clear, the only way that happens is that this virus remains continuously moving through populations in this cycle, in the fall cycle, and another cycle,” Birx continued. “That’s through three cycles with nothing being done.”



  1. It's a simple concept. High density areas are being slammed because they are high density....
    Rural areas have lot less people to spread it.
    Rural areas are going to get hit hard also if it's not stopped

  2. Chris Hayes of CNN is the Gobel to the Nazi regime. His job was to spread false propaganda to the people to keep them in fear and in check. CNN, MSNBC, CBS,NBC all do this. Now you have to see who controls these companies. Here you will find many layers of ownership but it all leads back to socialism. If you control the media then you can control the people.

  3. And the dum dums who follow Trump and Co.'s statements like sheep will fall right for this bull. Anyone can do the math and determine a 1% mortality rate based off the math alone. The numbers are widely reported. What she is saying also does not jive with other statements: you can't say "people aren't taking it seriously and are not distancing" on one day, then claim "the media has everyone scared". Shut up and do your job for once. This WH spends more time finding scapegoats than leading.

    1. 19:50 You probably suck up every second of the MSM who continually lie and stretch the truth about this terrible virus.

  4. Forgive me if I don't trust anyone from the White House right now. They continued having press conferences, touching microphones, shaking hands, standing right next to each other well into the outbreak. Clueless.

    1. Get a clue:
      They have the antidote

      Coronavirus is a military biological weapon.
      Wake up!

  5. 11:01AM Thats because they understand the risks fueled by the media have been monumentally overblown. This is not worse than a bad flu. TIME TO OPEN THINGS BACK UP! AND NOW!

  6. OBX is closed to tourist just like OC. OBX is proud of the fact. They only have 1 positive case. So they are going to continue to shut out tourists. I sent a email to the Mayor's of each county asking "when are you going to let your residents know that the longer you wait to reopen OBX the worse your economy. OBX has this attitude that they can go on status quo without tourists. That's all they have. Well don't let that happen to residents of OC. I'm already looking at other beaches if OBX doesn't want mine. Good luck on your status quo without the tourist.

  7. Well if we have the capacity to create a biological weapon like this you should be more worried that they are also withholding cures for many common money making diseases as it would also fit into your paranoid scenario .

    1. I agree
      The cure for Diabetes is well documented by VA Tech University using the bloody 1st milk of pigs.
      That is just one example

  8. 1:39, sad part of closing our 2nd largest City in MD during the summer is ZERO revenue for Annapolis. That will become a challenge. How does one generate revenue? I know I don't have to answer that one.

    Rickie wants to open Ocean City - may even do it since given he waited until AFTER St. Patties day weekend to get that last penny - then shutter visitors. If...WHEN he does - no one will really come.

    Family environment...hey there Putz, the families definitely will not come this Summer - not even on weekends like they only have the last 5 years. Empty rooms during the mid-week will be the norm throughout the Endless Summer of 2020.

    New reality is upon us - start planning for the Endless Summer of 2021, hunker down and don't tax the good folks living on the island any more than you already do.


    1. Tourists will come back to OC, actually they're coming now to get away from the heavily populated cities.

  9. I think it’s weapon flu too
    Pretty sure those mean ole Chinese did it to us

  10. March 27, 2020 at 10:50 AM:

    I'm sorry all you can do is complain and try to find fault with everybody you can, without having any answers. I mean you should, given you're smarter than all the experts.

  11. March 27, 2020 at 12:57 PM:

    And your uneducated proof is? That's right, you have none. Keep your conspiracy theories in your head to yourself. We don't need to hear them. I guess you believe that the moon landing was all a hoax too. How about those "chemtrails" in the sky? What a joke when people like you have a moment and think you thought something.


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