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Friday, March 27, 2020

A Viewer Writes: PRMC screening for Covid 19 at Henson Cancer Center in Salisbury


Went to the Henson Cancer Center at 9 am this morning for blood work for my appointment next week with my Oncologist.

I wore a mask when I entered the facility.

Three masked employees greeted me at the entrance and one asked me questions about my travels etc and let me enter the facility.

All PRMC employees were wearing masks in the reception area. I registered and was told to take a seat and would be called for my blood work.

Sat in a rocking chair and waited to be called.

Enter an elderly lady with no mask and was coughing.

Then a lady with no mask enters with no mask and go to the restroom then leaves a few minutes later.

Then enters two more people with no masks and went to register.

I was called for my blood work and then left with my mask on.

On my way out two elderly people exited the elevators from the upper floors of the Cancer Center,both without masks.

Looks to me the PRMC employees are protected but not the cancer patients entering the facility.


  1. CDC and WHO said that the bodies need to be burned and not done away with at funeral homes. This disease is deadly and you can get it from touching the body. Making a funeral director embalm and display the dead can infect everyone.

    1. Sorry I did not hear that more it read it. You must be mistaken. Besides most people are turning to cremation because the old fashion of burial is way to expensive. Check it out.

  2. I’m happy to hear that our community health care team is protecting us. Glad to hear you had a mask on. Maybe the others should follow your lead. Stay safe people and bless the men and women on the front line of health care

    1. Not sure but I thought the CDC issused a to statement to wear a mask if you are I'll (cold) or have symptoms. If you have an underlying health issues. Maybe these individuals entering should at least have a temperature test.

  3. Did you ever think that maybe the people can't find a mask because they are all sold out?

  4. 8:56. Listening to the CDC and WHO is part of your problem. WHO is paid for by China and the CDC is a lazy government agency NOT concerned with viruses but spending tax payer money on nonsense health issues. Read Michelle Malkins article on the CDC. Scary.

    1. I agree 100% 9:28

    2. I do too. I heard there was a lot of controversy about this virus by CDC that delayed Trump from taking immediate action.

  5. The masks they are giving the public are NOT the water droplet N95 type. Only staff members are wearing those. I was there last night in the ER. You received a lesser type that truthfully. Sure, it will help protect you from 6 feet they say, but gravity would too. Otherwise, if a droplet is suspended in the air, that mask you were wearing does nothing for you but provide you a false sense of security.

    1. You're an idiot. Do you think N95 masks are available for everyone? There is a global shortage moron.

  6. Throw away the old test kits and quit trying to make everyone think they are brand new.I've seen that trick before;acting like they're swamped and way behind when actually there are warehouses full of everything we need.The new test kit by the way is merely an oral swab only,but more $ can be made by using/selling the existing ones.

  7. 10:13 I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. Ever notice when a Doctor prescribes a prescription it is usually the most expensive - knowing full well there are cheaper ones out there. Don't be afraid to question your doctor's. Don't take everything they do to be correct.

  8. They are not going to give you an N95 mask LOL. I'm sure there's a video on YouTube or something. You could probably staple multiply coffee filters and dryer sheets together if you are that worried. You probably all ready have it anyway.

  9. They've been telling people not to wear masks unless you are the one who's sick. Or if you're in close contact caring for a sick person.

    1. No,that is not true. How do I k know? I work there. Stop the lies

  10. Nurses at PRMC are testing positive for the virus but being kept working!

  11. I was supposed to have a blood draw and appointment with my oncologist tomorrow. I decided to postpone my appointment since I am done with my treatment. I am just doing 3 month follow ups. They are saying that if you are not currently in treatment and it is not an emergency to postpone your appointments. I rescheduled for early June and will keep postponing if this is still a threat to my health.


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