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Friday, March 27, 2020

Disease Prevention Expert: We Must ‘Pivot’ On Our Lockdown Policies

In a lengthy post on social media Wednesday, Dr. David L. Katz, a disease prevention research scientist and founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, informed his followers that he has just been tested for COVID-19 due to experiencing what appear to be symptoms of the virus. Whether he ends up testing positive or not, Dr. Katz explains, his current situation highlights a warning he has made all along about the widespread measures the U.S. is taking in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus.

In the post, published on LinkedIn Wednesday, Katz reveals that he is “just back from being tested for COVID19” and likely will not know the results of the test for 3 to 5 days, though he “very much” suspects that he does because he feels “moderately sick,” like many who contract coronavirus.

“If I do have COVID19, it is for the very reasons I have been writing about since before the pandemic reached our shores: lack of advance preparation, lack of risk stratification, and lack of policies predicated on risk differentials,” he writes. “What I mean is this: my most likely exposure is from my adult children sent back to the family home when (A) universities closed down, and (B) businesses closed down and laid people off.”

“I am not saying these things didn’t need to happen — but they needed to happen with some careful consideration of risk tiers,” he adds.



  1. Make no mistake, politicians suggesting the American public put themselves at risk to save capitalism means they don't care if you or your loved ones die as long as the machine keeps churning out their profits. It's reminiscent of a Stalin quote (imagine that!) "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic". You are a statistic to the wealthy 1%, they need you to make them more money even if it costs your lives.

    1. You’re completely unhinged and lack reading comprehension

    2. You also know little about the 1% or currency creation

      The elite banking families own the world’s Central Banks. They print currency from thin air ever since Aug 20, 1971 which was the end of Bretton Woods.

    3. I agree with 12:17. Without capitalism you would be up a creek with out a paddle as my Dad would say. Just take a moment and think about what you just wrote. All the material pleasures you have are do to capitalism. What are you willing to walk away from? Do you want someone to tell you what your needs are or do you want to decide for yourself.

  2. This Pivot crap is what Democrats like to do !!! Stay with the PLAN !!!

  3. "Do you want someone to tell you what your needs are or do you want to decide for yourself."

    Exactly why we left Europe, then official formed a nation in 1776.

    1. Well, you didn’t leave Europe.
      I didn’t leave Europe.

      Just like saying black people weren’t slaves.


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