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Monday, March 23, 2020

Dermatologist settles age-old debate: You should always shower at night

To shower at night or in the morning, that is the question. If you're a morning person, you'd only ever lather up in the wee hours. And if you're a night owl, you probably strongly believe that nighttime showering is where it's at. But is there any science to back up which one is truly ideal?

While you might shower in the morning to wake yourself up before work, you might want to reconsider.

According to Dr. Samer Jaber, a New York dermatologist, washing your body and face at night is important for your skin health – especially during the spring and summer months.

"If you're out all day and sweaty or working out you should definitely shower before going to bed," he told the Mail Online.



  1. Unless your really fat and need to wash folded places the sun doesn't see. Less bathing has proven to be more healthy.

  2. Has always made sense to me to shower at night . I sure
    as heck don't want to get into my clean bed after a day
    of exposure to people, places , things and the elements!

  3. I like doing ...BOTH !

    1. EAT YOUR HEART OUTMarch 23, 2020 at 5:01 PM

      with the sexy wife is even more enjoyable

  4. That was 2 minutes wasted, I'll never get back

  5. Interesting, but we lick our fingers, pick our noses, scratch our...places, and who knows what else we do in private.

  6. You also should shower with a friend to help save on water. Preferably a friend of the opposite sex.

  7. My hair is crazy, there is no way I could wash it at night and still fix it in the morning, LOL! Come on girls, who can agree with me?


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