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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

China coronavirus cases could be '40 times higher' as UK calls for Beijing 'reckoning'

Senior government figures are demanding a rethink in relations with China as anger mounts over the coronavirus pandemic, which has now killed more than 1,000 in the UK

China should face a “reckoning” over the coronavirus crisis, senior government figures have said.

Allies of Prime Minister Boris Johnson are calling for an urgent rethink in the UK’s relationship with the Communist state as anger mounts over misinformation around the pandemic, the Mail on Sunday reports.

There is also said to be fury at the top of government over problems sourcing personal protective equipment for medics and animal rights abuses, which have been blamed for causing the outbreak.

The Prime Minister has been warned by scientists that official statistics from China - where Covid-19 first emerged in the city of Wuhan - may have been downplayed “by a factor of 15 to 40 times”.

The flu-like virus has now killed 30,879 people, including more than 1,000 in the UK, and is causing a global health emergency.



  1. Why hasn’t China been bombed yet?
    Is it because western governments are in collusion with the Comminists?

  2. MI6 spy satellites have seen massage trenches dug outside of Wuhan that look to be used for dumping bodies into. This is why the UK wants answers! Looks like thousands dead maybe even a million!

  3. Democrats are in collusion with china to steal this election..they hate america

    1. Please display your evidence.

  4. 12:04 it's because idiotic thinking like that will get millions killed in nuclear holocaust. Stick to the keyboard bud.

    1. So you DON’T believe the China Government released a biological weapon?

      Or you don’t believe the commenter should broach the subject?

  5. Nations should start manufacturing their own goods. Cut the cheating lying Chinese out of the loop. No war needed. They will have no money to spend. Their people will either revolt or starve. Either way makes no difference to me.

  6. Close to what 12:20 is saying. The truth is not being told by the fake news or governments

  7. Info leaking out from China's neighbors is saying they (China) have mass graves outside of many of their cities.


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