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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

47 ABC News Employee Being Tested For Coronavirus

While most TV stations across the country are having staff work from home, 47 ABC News continues to have their staff work from the office. 

One of their employees came down with symptoms of the virus and has been tested but it will be several days before they get their results back. 

That being said, many employees there are now very concerned that they too might contract the virus and management will not let them work from home. 

So much for being a LEADER and practicing exactly what they've been preaching to their viewers. 47 ABC News in Salisbury needs to quarantine all employees and allow them to work from home until the final results come in. 


  1. WMDT has always been second rate.

  2. The station that only posts news for Delaware and Virginia? I stopped watching them a long time ago because they rarely post anything local.

    1. As opposed to wboc, the station that shows Delaware news

  3. Really don't know why either station in Salisbury even exists because you sure don't get any local news on either one. If you want to know all about Delaware, keep watching.

  4. Where is Jean Vivola? Excelent weather forecaster!

  5. Who ? L go tell it to Delaware viewers.

  6. Cuomo from CNN has it.

  7. I do not agree with you. I’ve watched 47 news for a long time and I rate the company A1. They carry great programs and up to date news.

  8. Apparently they haven’t told the employees

  9. Wmdt 47 and Wboc should Sleep Together, they are completely liberally bias socialistic "FAKE NEWS" Stations.Not Worth my time

  10. I have a relative working at 47 ABC. It's hard to imagine that the station needs all its workers in-house during this outbreak. I'm hearing that even the administrative staff is still working from the office. Other stations are taking precautions and having employees work from home? Why is this station so slow to act? It makes no sense and is dangerous to boot.

  11. Are they essential?? Don't think so. Close them down.

    1. Homeland Security deems them communication and thus essential.

  12. Ask them for Delaware sympathy.

  13. I am glad their is an alternative to WBOC and WRDE owned by the same corporation variety is the spice of life if you've never heard that before. It is good to have choices.

  14. I mean, what do you expect from a station whose owners are already being sued for violating federal labor laws in another state.


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